Please Join Me for the Pitting of LinusK

Yes, that’s what I was thinking when I wrote it.

The “best” (by which I mean worst) part of that thread was probably the bit about how there’s a bunch of important tasks that women supposedly not only don’t do now but couldn’t manage even if the continuation of human civilization depended on it, because we’d be too busy screaming about how we saw a roach:

Although it’s the bit about Titanic – not even the actual Titanic, but the 1997 movie – that I kind of want to embroider on a sampler:

For the rest of my life, whenever I hear any criticism of feminism, I’m going to remember this and – as Celine Dion would say – my heart will go on.


I did like tomndebb 's reply:

However, within the same thread, you got comments such as this doozy from Hector_St_Clare:

“There are very good reasons for why there should be a general social understanding that, at some level, men’s lives actually are less valuable than women.”

And until I commented on that, the only other comment was agreement.

It’s not that surprising to me that someone would think that way, what’s surprising is that they would think it an innocuous, impartial opinion.

Versus that, I really can’t flame anything LinusK said in that thread; ranting about strawman feminism is no way more extreme than that.

Ha! I’m glad you posted that exchange because it reminds me to bring up a relevant observation.

In Café Society, there’s a thread critical of Alex Trebeck’sdismissive comments towards a contestant who is a SAHD. There are a number of posters who defend Trebeck as being an old man who doesn’t mean no harm, but there are others (like myself) who agree Trebeck deserves to be criticized. A number in the latter camp are self-identified feminists (like myself) who have participated in LinusK’s threads.

Do we see LinusK in this thread, joining us in our refusal to give Alex Trebeck a pass? Explaining why Trebeck’s insinuation that the contestant was forced into his role is sexist toward men and perpetrates the belief that men are unsuited for domestic work? Pointing out that this is kind of attitude that reinforces disparities in custody agreements and makes it difficult for fathers to be seen as important as mothers? Do we see LinusK challenging this viewpoint from a male poster:

Nah, LinusK is nowhere to be found. And yet he wants us to believe it is the feminists who are the problem here. Not his fellow bros whose fear of “emasculation” runs so deep it makes them look less like men and more like children. Yeah, so my tears for him and his cause are free flowing.

If only more women would have died on the Titanic, we’d all be singing fucking kumbaya.

Not wanting to be rude is kind of the entire POINT of posting such a link in a thread.

HSC is on my ignore list. Sorry, I don’t read his posts.

ETA: And he’s also incredibly anti-woman, so if he’s the only person LinusK can get to agree with him, I don’t think that’s a negative for the feminists.

I kind of thought this was coming. Was he always like this? This seems to have developed recently. He just doesn’t listen to what anyone says, and I’ve seen this often: people have this viewpoint of what a “feminist” is, some kind of red eyed strident bitch, and when they see a perfectly ordinary person proclaiming they are a feminist, you can see them dismissing it.

It’s like atheists. If you believe all atheists are demons, and you meet a nice one, you think “Oh, in her heart, she really believes in God”. :rolleyes:

As for correcting the men who post such inanities, well we do what we can, but in the end, the approbation should come from other men. Why are only women appointed in this role? I can tell a man all day long that staying home is not emasculating, but he’s not exactly going to believe it from me.

The previous threads did feel like a build up to something stupidly anti-feminist, but he seemed to participate with some level of thought in those, so this mountain of idiocy was surprising.

Maybe many of the posters correcting the inanities are actually men, but you assume they are women because you think only a woman would post a retort. See, it’s like atheists… :wink:
Yes, I’m kidding. I know what you mean.

Exactly. A hundred women could declare that men staying at home to care for their kids is sexy and wonderful, but all that encouragement comes undone as soon as one man implies it’s for the weak and unmanly.

If LinusK doesn’t want to talk the talk himself, then he can not expect women to do it for him. Tricks is for kids, and so is expecting Mommy to fight all your battles for you. Man up and get in the trenches already.

Can you show some examples of this kind of thing happening?

After my son was born, I took off for about a year and a half to take care of him (and our daughter, who was born 14 months later). I’ve had several job interviews and background checks since then in which people just could not wrap their heads around the concept that a guy would take a year and a half off of work to take care of his kids, when he had a perfectly healthy wife right there who could have done it.

Well, that’s a little extreme (and hopeless). If someone is so unsure of their manliness that they are convinced otherwise by a single voice, then their mind was probably already made up. You’re absolutely right that men need to participate, and for some men, it will mean more hearing it from other men. But it’s not quite as dire as saying it takes only one man to undo it all. There will always be that one man, we just need to drown him out.

Was that intentionally tongue in cheek? “Quit acting like a woman” as an insult doesn’t help the cause.

That’s odd – from what they were saying a man who says raising kids isn’t emasculating should be able to change minds of fellow men.

That’s quite a tortured reading of what is being said.

Sprinkle in a few "more likely to"s and other qualifiers as you see fit.

If you read LinusK’s threads, you’ll see lots of women replying, which he will brush off. But if one man replies agreeing in any part with what he says, he takes that as complete validation of his viewpoint.

Which shows that if you want to think something, you’ll hear the voices that agree with you. We all do that to greater or lesser extents. He’s rather… advanced in his ability to ignore anything that doesn’t go along with his notions.

I’m sure he’d feel extra validated if a woman agreed with him, and would brush off a man who disagreed with him just as quickly as a woman.