In post #190 of this thread, I’ve suddenly been the figurative subject of a bit of a dummy-spit by someone called Finnagain, who, instead of explaining his seeming incomprehension of logical sentences, decides to tell me that he basically owns this thread and I can’t join in the discussion because I’m pointing out the strange reasoning he seems to possess in his apparent crusade to protect rapists from Evil Feminists. It’s not so much what he is arguing, (because it’s hard to tell what he’s doing other than exorcising a few personal demons), but the weirdly Third-Grader-in-the-Playground approach he has to a total stranger of whom he knows nothing.
Seriously, “Grown-ups”? :smack: Come on.
Meh thats pretty tame. Why didn’t you just respond in the thread. Something along the lines of ‘Whats with the arrogance you cumguzzling gutter slut, Finnagain?’.
Jesus, you’re four pages into a pit thread about rape, and you’re shocked that someone implied you were immature? I’m not saying it wasn’t uncalled for or anything, but man, that ain’t hardly nothin’. Come back when he starts accusing you of intimate relationships with farm animals.
Finn is class to the bone, just let it go.
Whoops, posted instead of previewed.
Part of being a Doper is having thick skin. You’ll see that on the scale of insults, that was just a little love tap. I wouldn’t stress about it and move on, lesson learned.
Sorry, Sally. If you trot out a compositional fallacy on these boards and present it as though you’re actually making a point, you’re going to get slapped. If you have the misfortune to do it in the Pit, folks aren’t going to be diplomatic about it, either.
What you got a spoonful of there wasn’t arrogance, by the way. It was contempt.
Boo hoo.
Yeah I’m sure you’re a lovely person, Larry Mudd. So what you’re saying is, if I don’t toe the party line, I should just allow classy types like Finnagain to control every thread?
Since when have insults been an acceptable substitute for intelligence?
Since you posted in the Pit.
Mmm. Guinastasia, do I know you, are you delusional, or do you fill your empty meaningless life by roaming around posting rubbish at random in various threads?
Go get rooted. (Ah, that feels good! )
Well, I don’t know if the points get nostalgic for you, but you seem to keep missing them. This is not a jovial friendly sort of message board and it would be as boring as other people’s kids if it was. This is a place of peer review, but we’re not debating science (most of the time) but wise-guy-ness. Stand and deliver your configent waggery and wisecrackery or be crushed and forgotten like Pons and Fleischman.
“Rooted”? Pfft. Tell Guin to get fucked, why not? Fucked with a double-headed dildo with optional flamethrower and hair trigger. Put some effort into it.
Look, if you want to debate with him, you have to be a quick thinker, or you will just be left in Finnagain’s wake.
Ouch! So that’s what it feels like when a braincell dies…
Way to cut a newbie some slack, guys.
treis, **Miller ** and **World Eater ** have it in a nutshell. Everyone plays nice in the other areas, like MPSIMS, but when they come to the Pit it tends to release their Inner Asshole. Quit responding to it. (And, upon preview, inciting it. Though **Bryan Ekers ** has a point - if you do feel the need to start slanging shit, at least make it creative and dramatic. ;))
There are two sayings that apply very well in the Pit:
- Never wrestle with a pig; you’ll both get dirty and the pig enjoys it.
- Don’t argue with an idiot, because they’ll drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
As a word of advice, when two people are getting into mega-quote mode it’s a good idea to stay clear of their argument and let them do their own sweet thing - *regardless * whether you think you can clarify the issue or help them reach an agreement. They’ll either do it themselves or not at all, and just as in RealLife™, jumping in the middle of two combatants is a good way to get them both turning on you.
That doesn’t excuse the Attitude-With-A-Capital-‘A’ that you’re getting from some of the others, however. Everyone being incredibly rude towards SallyCan’tDance because she’s not in your ‘inner circle’ - stop being such fucking asswipes.
Besides, she’s a Lou Reed fan. Lou Reed kicks ass.
My point wasn’t to insult, but merely to say-hey, this is what the Pit is all about. We’re ALL about insults here, the nastier, the better. If you can’t take it, don’t hang out here.
And as was pointed out to Sally, what she got was NOTHING compared to some of the shit that gets smeared around here.
Yay! I’ve been Pitted! I have finally made it. My Doper-cherry is broken. But, over this? Kinda anti-climactic.
In case you’re curious, in Post 179 I elaborated upon my misreading of Maureen’s post. Then, in post 184 of the thread, Maureen and I had already worked out our misunderstanding. In fact, by post 210 I had apologized and we’d come to some agreement. If you weren’t following along, after the OP that thread quickly morphed into something of a very ugly thread. I think that the participants should be congratulated for talking about such a potentially touchy subject and talking like adults.
At the time, as I had already cleared up my misunderstanding with Maureen, your comments were designed, in no way, to further the conversation, while needlessly stirring up shit, being petty, and juvenile. I told you as much.
Moreover, your claim that I seek to ‘protect rapists’ is insulting and false to facts, can you find a single post of mine where I suggest that we should ‘protect rapists’ in any way shape or form? No? You’re lying through your teeth? Ah…
This, in case you’re wondering, would probably deserve an insult or five in the Pit. You don’t lie about me and say I protect rapists and get away with it. Here in the Pit, I have only two ways of ‘not letting you get away with it.’
First, I try to debate and discuss the factual and logical basis of a position. And then, if folks have annoyed me, I’ll mix in some colorful invective, fun for the whole family.
For instance, for alleging that I protect rapists, you are a scummy lying bitch.
Newbie. Doesn’t count.
It’s generally considered bad form to start a new Pit thread because you didn’t like something somebody said in another Pit thread. Just respond in the other thread. I wouldn’t expect a lot of sympathy if I were you.
Why is it bad form? Seriously, I don’t know why? I’ve seen it happen many times before.
Who is curious.
Yeah, and you’ve seen the people who do it get castigated by other dopers, right? It’s just been my observation that most of the folks around here think it’s petty to start a new Pit thread just to continue an argument you’re already having in another Pit thread.
Disdain for logical fallacies is pretty much institutional around here. People who avoid them will control every thread.
Thanks be to Maude.