Please look at this guy and tell me if his arms are real?

Greg Valentino. 27" biceps. They don’t even look anatomically correct. Is this even possible? I thought there was a maximum limit to how large human muscles could get? I don’t believe that this is even possible with steroids!!

Any medical people think these pictures are real?

Well, I enlarged the image 500% and I don’t see any evidence of photo manipulation, but I’m no expert on fake photography.

But I just have to say, that’s just gross. Ick.

We did this before at some length . Search for his name.

He is wall to wall steroids. he injects them directly into the muscle in massive quantities which is what accounts for the “lumpy” look…

I think he has implants. He’s talked some surgeon into stretching his skin around several watermelons in each arm.

Go through all of his pics, as strange looking as it is now, he looked REALLY bad before he filled in. He had just one giant lump for a bicep and and equally large one as a tricep. ewww. And he’s selling (“legal”) steroids on his site.

they are actually real…freakishly so…but real. He uses something called Synthol which is basically (from what I understand) an oil that you inject directly into the muscle. It separates the muscle fibers and increases mass…
I know bodybuilders that use a little bit of it…but this guys gone completely overboard with it…

I’d hate to see what kind of shape his liver and arms are in 10 years…

If only they could figure out a way to feed his biceps to the starving masses. He alone could cure world hunger.

Right, he sells synthol on his site.

I think most people who use it do so only enough to bring some body part that is not growing proportionately to the rest of their body into proportion, and only temporarily before a show or photoshoot.