The Daily Show 12/7/04

Anyone familiar with the clip of the guy in handcuffs that was used during Lewis Black’s segment? What was the deal with that guy’s arms? Medical condition or too much time in prison spent working on only one muscle?

He’s shown that clip repeatedly, whenever there’s a steroid abuse scandal. The first time he sais something like, “This guy was arrested for traffiking in drugs and you’ll never guess which kind”.

I remember a thread around here some long time back about bodybuilders who inject oil into their muscles to make them look bigger. There was a link to a page in Swedish with pictures of some incredibly lumpy guy who apparently wasn’t too careful about how he did this. It even looked like the same guy in the Lewis Black clip.

It’s called Syunthol and it’s very bad stuff. It’s an oil that bodybuilders inject directly into their muscles, but it results in unsightly, freakish deformity, and it is often contaminsate with pathogens that can cause severe illness.

You’re probably thinking of Greg Valentino, who’s the synthol junkie.

Even the most roided up bodybuilders think he is an idiot, and it’s hard to disagree.

This guy is proud of the way he looks? Now I’m sorry I brought this up. I was happier when I’d never heard of any of this.

Synthol is just repugnant.

Yes, but it’s only a few letters away from synthahol, the 24th-century replacement for grain alcohol that gets you drunk without impairing your judgement or reflexes.

As I recall, Valentino stacks several different steroids to get his biceps/triceps that huge. His arms aren’t ALWAYS that big. Keep in mind, one can’t just shoot steroids and get that big without lifting lots of weight. Frankly, I don’t see why he does it.

He’s in the January 2005(?) FHM, American edition; along with Crazy Legs Conti (Competitive eater), Isaac (Loveboat Bartender) and Vida Guerra (fabulous hiney!). They’re all regulars in FHM these days and they did a photo shoot/afternoon of these four playing poker. They also print some of the banter that was exchanged during the game.

If he is the same guy in the clip, might I ask what he was being arrested for?

Yes, the guy in the TDS clip is Valentino. He was arrested for selling controlled substances–paying for his own 'roid habit by selling to other guys in the gym.

Sorry to hijack, but I was surprised not to see a thread about 12/6’s Daily Show, especially “So you wanna gloss over the fact that your company or state organization is evil.”

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