"The Largest Arms in the World"

Friend of mine sent me this link, I decided to share the pain. Not sure if I would classify this as “gross,” but it is definitely disturbing. It is wierd in the same way as huge breast implants, you just wonder “Why did you do this to yourself?”

Wow. This guys seems to have generated some real interest here.

OMG! He looks like he has massive tumors growing on both his arms! What was he thinking? “Hmmm…I need a claim to fame. I know, I’ll make my biceps inhumanly huge!”

There’s a thread on this right now in IMHO

And maybe I should read the entire thread first :smack:

For those who are interested, here’s an interview with Greg. Seems like a nice guy–he just wants to have really big arms.

I think we visited this issue once before.
Please look at this guy and tell me if his arms are real?

My first thought was “How does this guy buy shirts with sleeves that fit?” Then I noticed he seems to stick with wifebeaters.

Now I’m wondering how he gets his biceps through the armholes.

Just one more guy who, 100 years ago, would be working in a freak show but today has the Internet.