Yes, the time for its release is coming soon. It’s been heavily anticipated, and heavily dreaded. I wish Bryan Singer were still helming it, but personally, I think it’s mostly his fault - I don’t blame Fox for wanting to move forward even after he jumped ship for spit Superman.
Every fan of the first two movies I read about online have sort of the same reaction. We all WANT it to be good, but there’s obviously no way to be sure yet. Sure, they can complain about the Colossus SFX, but I anticipated there’d be a problem making it look good. Sure, they can complain about how Brett Ratner seems to be trying rather too hard to appease the hardcore comic fanboys, but who knows how it’ll look in the context of the finished product. Conversely, there are plenty of details already known that are damn kewl, but will they stand up if the rest of the film is lame?
I’m quite pessimistic…and worried…and doubtful…and upset about Singer…and the trailers were bad…and the story sounds weak…and it will probably be a let down.
Here’s what I have read: Bryan Singer jumped ship because he was told to make the X3 movie that was in the script given to him. He couldn’t change it, rewrite it, or do anything that would make it a) be good, b) fit into the carefully established history he had created, or c) be worth the shit he would have to be in amongst while the studio executives rapidly fucked the franchise. He felt he had earned the right to make the movie that would work best, rather than the movie they had forced upon him, so he left.
The movie that got made by Brett Ratner is, as far as I know, that very same one Bryan Singer refused to make.
I have hope, only because it’s based partially on Chris Claremont’s classic melodrama “The Dark Phoenix Saga,” and partially on the first story from Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men. Plus, it’s an X-Men movie. With all seriousness, even if it isn’t as good as the excellent X2, it will still probably be very entertaining (and a hell of a lot better than the majority of Marvel movies).
Uh, I’m no great fan of X-Men, so feel free to discount my uninformed, lay opinion, but that clip looks terrible. Things that occurred to me during it:
How did Storm throw Logan? I thought her powers were strictly connected with weather, but otherwise, she’s a physically normal, if resourceful, person.
The patter (“That was my last cigar.”) is annoying and lame. Unoriginal standard comic book “phone-it-in” dialogue.
The whole Colossus throwing Wolverine thing: dumb.
Glowy-eyed 1950’s robot head: no thanks.
Basically, I predict this movie will be like Highlander 2.
Wow. That was … stupid. And the acting was bad. I love and adore Hugh Jackman, but his delivery of the line “They’re not ready, Storm,” was so very wooden. So not filled with urgency. “I forgot to put a fabric softener sheet in the dryer. The jeans won’t be soft, Storm.”
Not that I won’t go see it, of course.
Perhaps … the rest of it is better? They just chose one of the worst parts to pre-release to the public? That could be!
I don’t think she threw him. Remember, Storm can fly, and while they’re spinning you can see her arms wrapped around him. So she’s flying him away from the danger.
If you look carefully, she flies him. I actually like the old school touches. I also have read sources that say GuanoLad’s story is completely bogus. The current buzz in all the trades is that it is going to be great. I’m willing to give it a shot without judging it by clips, soundbites and “what other people are saying.”
It’s funny. On the one hand, we’ve got people angry at Singer for “abandoning” X-Men and making it terrible, for Superman, which will be awesome. Then we have people who are really worried that Superman will suck, and that X-Men will be really good. I don’t know if it’s a division along comic book party lines or what, it’s just the first time the fans of the Big Two have been so noticeable to me.
As for that clip: the fastball special and the giant robot are a Catch-22: lots of the fans want them, so they put them in even if they look silly. If they hadn’t, those same fans would have been disappointed. Sometimes I legitmately feel sorry for executives and scriptwriters.
That being said, gimme my damn Superman video game!
It really seems to me that the script writing process went like this…
“Hmm, these nitpicking fanboys. We give them two good x-men movies, packed with action, characters, we stayed respectful to the source material, we didnt fuck around too much… and still they moan. Wheres the danger room? Wheres the sentinels? Wheres Beast, or Juggernaut? Where is eh, those underground mutants, whatever they’re called… where is blah blah blah. So ok, punks? You want it, here it goes. Scene one. A large group of x-men fight sentinels in the danger room with fastball specials and collosus and later Juggernaut shows up and beast and dark phoenix as well, and fuck it, maybe a trip to the forbidden lands, or whatever that place was where Xavier could walk and it had dinosaurs and shit. There. Everything everybody asked for. The End”
I’m praying too that this one is good. But Jesus… it looks far too busy, with far too many mutants and Christ, who do I have to blow to get Gambit in a goddamn X-men movie. I dont ask much, just Vincent Cassel playing Gambit saying “Mon Cherie” to Rogue, now would that kill anyone? Eh?
Oh, and Collosus looks like an Xbox with arms.
More than anything else, I thought Colossus looked horrible. What was wrong with how the did it for X-2? Sure, it was dark, and we only saw him for about five seconds, but it looked a hell of a lot better than in that clip. Let’s hope the FX team wasn’t finished with it yet.