Please recommend an active parenting forum

My wife is interesting in finding a forum so she can talk nappies, crying, baths, breastfeeding, sleeping etc. Can anyone recommend a good active one?



Sounds like you’re from the UK? This group is a riot, and they seem to have their heads on straight.

This one’s excellent if she’s a crunchy earth-mama; they do go a bit overboard at times.

She could also try us here! There are some wonderful Mamas at the Dope (and Fathers, too).

For print publications, I love and strongly recommend Brain, Child.

Thanks for the links. We’re actually in Australia but I figure that the trials, tribulations and joys of babies transcends ineternational boundaries.

Oh, they definitely do - it’s just the lingo that changes. I often have a hard time following the Brit mamas’ conversations, but what I do catch is delightful to read.