Pluperfect vs. Blue Burning?

Somewhere in a YouTube clip (not this one) and surely in this one <try 2:20 and following > character Ty Ty (Robert Ryan) has a line something like, Why in the pluperfect hell did that dirt have to bust loose like that…?

As an impressionable youngster I thought I was hearing “blue burning hell” and it made no sense to me.

Anybody else have such a dilemma? :smiley:

I almost started this in Cafe Society but it’s the expression I’m mostly curious about.

Damn fun movie – if dated. So move the thread if you see fit. (Like you need me to say that!) :slight_smile:

BTW: This may have been my first awareness of Michael Landon (as an albino, no less).

I thought this topic may have been around before! Sure enough, Guess Who!

“What in the pluperfect past tense was that?”

This guy was on his first trip to Boston, where he’d heard that ‘broiled scrod’ was a local delicacy not to be missed. So he gets off the plane, jumps in a cab, and asks the cabbie, “Hey, you know where I can get scrod around here?”

The cabbie being a Harvard grad, he turned to the guy and said, “You know, I’ve been driving a hack for fifteen years here, and I’ve heard that question a thousand times, but that’s the first time anyone’s used the pluperfect subjunctive.”