Poll: bagels or doughnuts?

Which do you prefer, bagels or doughnuts?

I never was a big fan of the doughnut, but I love bagels.

Bagels. Add a little cream cheese and some blueberry jam it tastes a whole lot better than doughnuts.


Noooooooo! Doughnuts all the way! 'Specially the custard ones.

Bagels overall (as long as you get a real bagel, not just round bread*). Donuts are a good treat, but a nice bagel is a great breakfast.

*True bagels are boiled before baking. This gives them a crisp, crunchy crust. If no one make them properly in your area, see if you can find Ray’s New York Bagels at your grocer. Not quite as good as a bagel shop, but close.

Toasted sesame bagel with smoked salmon and cream cheese. Gorgeous.

Donuts - Sweet. Sticky. Un-Gorgeous.

This could be a tough call. I don’t think I can clearly name a preference. Although, by RealityChuck’s definition, I’m not sure what I like are really bagels or not. The local Panera bakery has an asiago cheese and a cinnamon crunch style bagel that I just love. But there’s something about a custard-filled, chocolate covered long john that really works for me. Or lemon-filled. Or the cake-style donuts…Hmmm

I’ll just stick with “yes”. How’s that?

If I could only have one for the rest of my life, I’d go with bagels, no question. Preferably from Ess-a-Bagel in NYC. Mmmm.

Though I do love a warm Krispy Kreme every so often.

When I was a kid, my grandmother used to get the most wonderful marshmallow-filled donuts from Mikulski’s Bakery. (Yeah, same family as the senator) They were absolutely the best treat I could imagine. I don’t know if anyone makes them any longer, but I’d use up a month’s carb allowance to have one of them again.

Yup. ESPECIALLY a bagel from the Empire Bakery in NYC.
Total yumminess.

Twice run through the toaster Onion Bagel with double cream cheese. This could also be one of the reasons that they put my desk in the back corner of the room. :smiley:

Krispie Kreme doughnuts all the way. Chocolate covered crullers fresh off the line still hot and a big glass of milk.

My biggest complaint with bagels is that there are so many crappy ones found across the US. For example, here in Washington, DC, easily 75% of the bagels that are available are very poor imitations of the real treat.

To make a long story short, if in New York, I’d choose bagel. If in DC, I’d choose donut.

If anyone knows where this is from, I will love you forever.

Be careful of Midwestern bagels! They are often made with–gasp–FRUIT! That’s a chewy donut, not a bagel!

Oh, the horror…

They’re different, of course, but if I had to give one up it’d be bagels, no question. Life just wouldn’t be the same without Top Pot Doughnuts, especially the cinnamon cruller. Heavy, greasy, oh so good.

But I wouldn’t cut one in half and put hummus on it, so please don’t make me lose the bagels.

Whole grain bagel. Or maybe a sundried tomato with jalapeno one, with garlic/garden cream cheese, LITE of course. :smiley:

I love bagels. However, I love donuts more. Alas, donuts don’t fit very well into my diabetic diet.

I am not a huge fan of bagels. They are good with cream cheese though, mmmmm. But I am a sucker for donuts. Good ol Tim Hortons here in Canada! Boston cream donuts & honey crullers(sp) are the best.

Sigh … there’s nothing better than a warm, plain glazed, completely-devoid-of-nutrition ovoid morsel of orgasmic self-indulgence. I too would give up a month’s–or at least a week’s–worth of carbs for one.

If I ever make it to New York I will have a bagel just to see what all the fuss is about, though.