Polls only: No discussion

Do you enjoy exercise?

(You may choose one answer for physical feelings and one answer for mental feelings.)

  • Yes, oh yes, the endorphins are so amazing! Love the endorphins! Such a high. Mmmmm, exercise!.
  • Yes, I physically feel pretty good after exercising. It’s enjoyable to move my body around.
  • Yes, I mentally feel pretty good after exercising. I did a good thing for myself!
  • I feel OK.
  • No, I feel physically spent, exhausted, sore, stiff, or something like that. Not good.
  • No, mentally it sucks – it’s infuriating I have to waste my time, or my brain is sooo bored during exercise, or something of that sort.
  • It sucks great big donkey balls. The only upside is at the end I can say “Thank God Almighty I don’t have to do THAT again for another 23.5 hours!”

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