Polly Want a Cracker? (Vaccine passports)

I think it ultimately comes down to the president or secretary of HHS declaring it. Nothing is jumping out at me as some set of criteria that needs to be met. Not that I’m saying there isn’t a list of things to be checked off, I’m just not seeing it.
From here, we have:

The National Disaster Medical System Federal Partners Memorandum of Agreement defines a public health emergency as “an emergency need for health care [medical] services to respond to a disaster, significant outbreak of an infectious disease, bioterrorist attack or other significant or catastrophic event.” In order to activate the National Disaster Medical System (NDMS), " a public health emergency may include but is not limited to, public health emergencies declared by the Secretary of HHS [Health and Human Services] under 42 U.S.C. 247d, or a declaration of a major disaster or emergency under the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (Stafford Act), 42 U.S.C. 5121-5206).

and then from Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, it says:

an emergency is "any occasion or instance for which, in the determination of the President, Federal assistance is needed to supplement State and local efforts and capabilities to save lives and to protect property and public health…

My employer, which has a large footprint in CA, made it a requirement to work here. Period. Not for just those who wish to return to the office at some point - everyone - telecommuters, contractors, etc. You need to get vaxxed within 8 weeks of when you are eligible, and we need to submit proof (copy of the completed vax card) to stay employed here. Yes, there is an exception process that can be engaged where they will take a very close look at your case for an exception, but you can get vaxxed or take a hike (actually, they will help you find another job, if you chose). I am sure they vetted this policy extensively with the legal dept and feel safe in this requirement.

I endorse this requirement, BTW. I also support measures being discussed here to reward people for doing the right thing for themselves, their family, their community, and this country. I would love to see major league sporting events require proof of vaccination prior to entry, or for air travel, etc. I whole heartily support a vaccine passport or data base that can easily be checked. I don’t get the fuss, even with the EUA.

So, back to the OP, what do we all think of cities offering up these “crackers” as an incentive to get vaccinated? I think it’s a very cool idea and wish more places did it.

That’s what I’m wondering. I’ve now read of lots of places that will require proof of vaccination: cruises, concerts, international travel, etc. But I’ve not heard any specifics about what will constitute such proof. The vaccine card they give you?

Interesting. My employer is still mostly wfh, but has announced that we will be expected to wear masks and keep our distance when we return to the office. However, that same announcement said that they will not require us to be vaccinated.

While I don’t think that has been formalized in the countries in question, it wouldn’t be terribly difficult to come up with an official document/card. In the U.S, you submit ID as part of the process of getting vaccinated. I’m guessing those are turned in to either the CDC or state government at the very least. From there, it’s just logistics.

My state is clear: if you have id, bring it when you are vaccinated. But you are not required to have id to be vaccinated.

I don’t have an issue with that, especially since I want as many as possible vaccinated. I also don’t have an issue with not letting you enter a large venue without ID, so it’s still not a hurdle.

It wouldn’t be difficult, I guess. But would they do it? I’ve heard of several states that have said they will refuse to create any kind of official vaccine proof, and the federal government has been equivocal.

But if they reomve the special EUA status before it’s approved, then that could trigger a public health emergency, as people aren’t able to get vaccinated any more.

I would think that the EUA will stay in force until regular approval is granted.

Makes sense, I really only know about as much as I posted, it’s not something I’ve ever read up on before.
But, in any case, I’m not really sure it makes a big difference, unless it somehow maintains it’s EUA status forever, at some point it will have full approval and the idea of it not being allowed to be required, based on it’s EUA status, will be moot. Since this thread is about it being required (either by public or privately owned places), I think it only makes sense to discuss it under the assumption that it CAN be required.

I would assume that the EUAs that have been granted will remain in force until we have some approved vaccines (or some other way to disarm covid, that I can’t currently predict). I think it’s possible that not all the EUAs will turn into approval, or even that some future vaccine will be so much better that it gets approved and all the current EUAs are allowed to pass away.

I didn’t, nor did my housemate, nor did two siblings who live in another state.

If they didn’t ask for it, can you give me one of the states so I can see if that was a statewide decision? If they did ask for it, but you chose not to or couldn’t share (which is absolutely your right), I’m fine with not letting you into large events until such time you can show someone in authority some combination of Vaccination Card and proof of who you are.

Moderator Warning

This is rude and condescending, which is a continued pattern from you. As such, this is an official warning for being a jerk.

Moderator Warning

And again, condescending and insulting. This is another official warning for being a jerk.

Lancaster County, Nebraska and Linn County, Iowa.

It was never asked for. We could have given a pen name to reserve our slot. In neither state was city or county residency required to be eligible for the venues we used. Indication of age was initially but none of us had to provide ID as proof of age just state a birth date and year within the approved parameters.

The Nebraska registration system asks for a name and a physical address. Under those circumstances, I’m fine with the state or other governing body not distributing some hypothetical vaccine passport to those with invalid data, thus denying them entry to venues as noted above.

Basically, unless the state is adamant about NOT asking for the info, I’m going to maintain the stance that anyone who chooses to remain anonymous to the authorities in regards to being vaccinated can be left out of the summer parties in question.

Arizona - at least not where Mom got her jab and the different place but same county that I got mine. They did ask Mom’s birth date when I checked her in and then when I checked myself in, they wanted my Medicare/Medical card if I had one.

State residency and citizenship status weren’t required.

Can your African Grey talk like Alex?

Irene Pepperberg described her technique for training Alex: Parrots will compete for attention. So, put two people in a room with a parrot, and have them talk to each other, ignoring the parrot. The parrot will eventually start to imitate the talking people, competing with them for some attention.

When I was doing language-training with dolphins, we used the traditional method: A fish when they did something right. But we discovered that they would continue working even after we ran out of fish. But they seemed to think that getting a fish was part of the ritual: When they got the last fish, they didn’t eat it, but repeatedly kept giving it back to the trainer. Eventually the fish would start falling apart until it was a soggy torn-up mess, until it finally broke up into little pieces that floated away.