Poly Goes Back to the Basics...

This is P4K for me, and as a guy named Jerry once said, “What a long strange trip it’s been…”

I suggested waaaay back when that, if people were gonna celebrate post count parties, it ought to be only really significant ones, like 1,000 and so, and what they should do is, instead of posting, “it’s my 100th post, whoopee!!”, come up with something useful or profound to celebrate the occasion.

Which now comes back on me with a vengeance.

So I’ve been thinking, as the numbers went to 3,98x and then 3,99x, what would be sufficiently useful and/or profound for me, who suggested the whole thing, to say to make a P4K post worthwhile.

And I realized I had the perfect answer to all the problems in the world, in one short quote. (Putting it into effect gets a mite more difficult, but…)

My odd screen name, as most people know by now, does not mean “plastic fish” or “manyfish” as often suggested, but is the name of my patron saint, a guy who got martyred in the mid-Second Century at age 86 or so, the last known surviving acquaintance of any of the apostles (having been converted by the aged St. John in his (Poly’s) teens). And one of the stories he was fond of telling was when John was dying, and they asked him for last words of guidance to pass down to succeeding generations.

His response:

Short, sweet, succinct, and, if carried out properly, about all you need (as a guy with his name and his buddy Paul suggested about 1850 years later).

So that’s my gem of wisdom. Feel free to flame it in the Pit as trite, or suggest I’m witnessing out of GD, if you like. But I think it says a lot, even without the religion tacked on, and any triteness is simply because we hear it and don’t do it.

YM, as always, MV. :slight_smile:

polycarpous: adjective - Having fruit or pistils with two or more carpels.

Seriously though, you, Polycarp, are one of the posters I’ve long admired. I’d like to think that some of my temperament and methods of rational thinking today, as opposed to my more volatile and reactive methods of yore, have been directly inspired by you. You, my friend, and I’m very honored to call you a friend, are one of the wisest people I could ever hope to meet. A true giant of humanity in my opinion.

I cannot better our Uncle’s words, so this will end up a heartfelt “Me too!”

You have helped me accept my own half-assed theology and have given me a model of what I want to be like if I should ever decide to get a real one.

May I never catch you.


As an object lesson in the power of the SDMB, the humble newbie you helped from a serious frying pan just before it tumbled into the fire, I salute you.

Thanks to you, I no longer suffer from post-count envy. I’ve realized that I’ll be a long time reaching the high numbers because I have no need in posting in GD. Anything I might think to add to the discussion, you’ve already said, with more wisdom, wit, good humor, and tact than I will have years from now.

Thanks for the shared joy, from the decreased pain.

Well said Polycarp. This, too is a ‘me too’ post.

I am a godless heathen, but I agree wholeheartedly with

Congratulations on the big 4 and thank you for gracing these forums. We are all the better for it.

we love Polycarp.

Poly, speaking as one of the Board’s resident Pagans, I wouldn’t dream of calling your post “witnessing”. Wisdom is wisdom, whether the words are spoken by Christian saint or Pagan priest.

I salute you, sir, for your wisdom, your courtesy, and your eloquence.

Polycarp, you have always been one of my all-time favorites. I hope I get the opportunity to meet you someday. You’ll be able to recognize me by the look of terror on my face, and the “oh my Goddess it’s Polycarp” stammer coming from the depths of my quaking soul.

I’ve never read a word you’ve posted that hasn’t either enlightened or amused me, sometimes both. This board is a much richer place because you choose to share yourself with us.



When we used to play football in the neighborhood, the yards were too small for a real kickoff (plus none of us could kick worth a damn), so games started with the declaration “P for K!” and a pass to the opposing team. So it took me a while to figure out what you meant. But now that I’ve got it, congratulations!


for startes, I’ll tack a “Me too!” to what dropzone said.

[sub](I just tried to type up a long paragraph about your presence and the impression you leave me with, but I deleted it. At the moment I’m fumbling with my words, and it was just a lot of disconnected thought.)[/sub]

Please just realize that I respect you more than any other poster here. You know very well the company that puts you above in my eyes – so please accept the compliment at the high level I am intending to deliver it with.
Stick around for another 4K, will ya?

Your personal wisdom that you share here makes it a lot easier to maintain my own belief that there are rational people of faith out there.

I’ve just encountered some bigotry at my job and it disturbed me so much that I have even been tempted to post about it here. Also, an online pal from Armenia just wrote to me day saying that she had finally met and talked to another Turkish woman without knowing it, and enjoyed the conversation much to her own surprise. At least the world lost one more shred of hatred today.


Little children, love one another.

Polycarp, a very happy P4K to you. Your words were a perfect motto for my thoughts.

Cristi, You’ll be able to recognize Poly, cuz he’ll be the one with the big foil Pope’s hat on. He’s weird that way.
And Poly, congrats! I have had the phrase “Man, Poly rocks” keyed to a hot button because I use it so often.

Congratulations, Polycarp. I hope you take the following in the spirit it is offered:

I think of you as the Christian David B.

Polycarp, although we’ve never spoken, I have a huge amount of respect for you. Looking forward to your next 4000 posts.


Well, there’s post parties and… there’s post parties.

Dear Polycarp - These occasions are one of the very few opportunities on the board to actually address a poster in personal terms so I’m particularly glad you grasped the nettle.

I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts if not always for the reasons you intend, although, if you don’t mind me saying, I do admire the craft of witnessing so obliquely it’s almost subliminal ! :wink:

What I do take from your posts is a sense of decency, sound reasoning, patience and, above all, humility. I also sense an inner calm, of being at ease with yourself which is, clearly, the product of your religious beliefs. It’s most admirable and something to which we could all aspire.

So, while you might wish to fight ignorance by posting conventional responses, for me, you fight it so much more by saying it in your own special way. In other words and IMHO, you fight more ignorance not in what you say – although your coments always have great merit – but in the way you say it. Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be ?

Take care and thank you.

Polycarp, I’ve always found you to be one of the most inspiring posters here, as well as being a calming influence in many of the storms on the SDMB. Thank you for sharing your life with us.


If a Christian is supposed to be Christ-like, then you fit the bill. IMHO, one of your biggest contributions to the various online fora you participate in is that you are an excellent role model for the other Christians on the boards. Nothing takes the wind out of a blowhard fundie’s sails more than being gently (and, sometimes not-so-gently) reminded that Jesus’ central message was one of love and acceptance.

I like to think of you as Fiber for Christians.

You keep them regular!! :smiley:

:: d&r ::

Seriously though, you know from our various email conversations how much I appreciate you. Glad to have made your acquaintance!


“We must create the future, or others will do it for us.We must care for one another, because if we don’t, who will?”- J. Michael Straczynski

I just want to thank, from the bottom of my heart, all you who posted to this. You have no idea how good it feels to know I have had that sort of effect on people – or, if you do have an idea, you know very well how grateful I am!

And, Trose? P4K!! It’s your ball, too: take it and run with it! :smiley:

Congratulations, Polycarp!

You know, looking at those dopefests I would guess I am less than half the average age there.