OK, some of you may remember that back around Christmas time, my oldest daughter tried to kill herself. We sent her to a mental hospital, got her medicated, got her counseling, etc.
Fast-forward to today. Hubby and I were going out of town to do major grocery shopping (the beginning of every month, we go to a particular discount grocery, and then to Sam’s Club, about an hour away). We told our oldest she had to go with us (we’re still watching her pretty closely). Our 12-year-old opted to stay home. We took our 3-year-old. So, this morning, our oldest says she wants to stay home, because she’s sick. I didn’t believe her. Thought she just didn’t want to go. A few minutes later, though, she threw up. So, hubby and I laid down some firm rules and decided to let her stay home. Went to the discount grocery first, then stopped for lunch. While we were at the restaurant, oldest called and said she wanted to go to the ER because she felt really sick. Finally, she confessed to taking a bunch of Tylenol last night!! I told her to call 911, and we’d be home ASAP. Turns out the cop that was called (they always call a cop for a suicide attempt) was the same one who responded last time! After oldest was in the ambulance, dickface cop knocks on our door to talk to my middle daughter. He tells her “Obviously, your parents are not getting your sister appropriate help. If this continues, I will call Social Services and have all of you removed from your parents’ custody.”!!! WTF!!! Middle daughter called us, on hubby’s cell phone, hysterical, convinced that Social Services will come and take her away!
What fucking right did that cop have to tell her such a thing? Later, we found out he had also yelled at oldest. Told her “If you were mine, I’d have your stomach pumped, take you home, beat your butt and send you to bed!” Well, why the hell didn’t he tell us that? If we’d known her problems were so fucking easily solved, we’d have done this months ago!!
Oldest is now safely ensconced in a Baltimore Hospital for an inpatient program. Tomorrow, we are going to find out what the procedure is for filing a formal complaint about mr. shit-for-brains police officer!
Oooooh, I am just so angry!!