poor choices...I makes them

Yeah, I was gonna say I hope they are the triple fiber version because come tomorrow the poor decision will be staying in the same room as the OP…

I made that same poor decision last week, only it was with a bottle of Makers Mark and Ghost Recon for Xbox. It’s hard to shoot terrorists after a 5th of whisky, in case anyone wonders.

Someone just had to go and mention the black pepper and olive oil Triscuits, huh?

I’m stuck at work for another 6 hours and the Triscuits are sitting in the cupboard at home. But now I’m jonesing so bad that I probably won’t even make it to 5pm without a fix… in fact, I might actually go out and buy a box at lunchtime just to get the monkey off my back.

Damn you all.

Yesterday I sat down for a bit and my little dog came to me and put her paws up on my knee and made moon eyes at me. I hauled her up into my lap. I had to partially recline the big recliner to keep her from sliding out of my lap – she’s not THAT little – and that made it hard to reach the bag of fancy corn chips and a new jar of my favorite brand of salsa.

Fortunately I did manage to reach them without disturbing the dog. I proceeded to watch TIVOed programs I’d been meaning to watch, while cuddling the dog and subsisting on about half a (medium-small) bag of chips and lots of salsa.

I didn’t get the dishes done until just before my wife came home…but the poor choice in this story is reclining first before dragging the chips and salsa close enough.



Wait a minute…Are you me? Honest to God, I drink that much Diet Mt. Dew daily. You’re the first person I’ve met that drinks as much as me.


I’ve over-indulged on cheese a time or twenty-two, enough to make me now choose moderation over days of constipation.

The crackers may have fibre, but they are also relatively high in sodium. The human body needs a lot of water to process that much protein and to counteract the dehydrating effects of the salt.

So, please,** pbbth**, drink a lot of water today and tomorrow. Do your colon, kidneys, and blood pressure a favor. They beg you. And then start a thread that (salt x 10) + water = pufferfish. I’ll be there to commiserate.

And ::criminey puts on her Food Snob Lab Coat:: hard cheese should sliced as thinly as possible without it falling apart for service. It must melt in your mouth and evenly bathe your salty and sour taste buds. Inhale while you slowly smoosh the musty, creamy goodness against the roof of your mouth with your tongue. Then (then!) you might start craving low salt (and yes, taste-free) water crackers–one bite is enough to clear your palate, letting your nose and taste buds fully experience the bouquet and flavor of every bite.

I will confess if there’s smoked salmon or beef jerky in the house, I will eat it. Everyone is welcome to join the feeding frenzy while it lasts, because I will give no thought whatsoever to sharing. I once woke up to find my silver bracelet had slipped down from my wrist towards my fingertips during the night and my hand swollen from salt retention. My bracelet had created a long, deep trench on the top of my hand. Freeeeky.

Not in that quantity!

Fact*: 1 block of Cheddar cheese is the recommended portion size.

  • Not a nutritionally cromulent fact as stipulated by law. Lactose tolerance may vary. Void where indicated by bathroom signage.