Poorly designed combination tools

This is not a serious thread. Notice the forum.

I don’t remember if it was an original idea I had way back in yonder or whether a group of us collaborated on the notion. I doubt if it matters.

Wouldn’t you stay away from a product that was a combination telescope and sledge hammer?

Can you think of a worse tool or gadget to try to build effectively? Or to use properly? Never mind that having such an implement in your possession would make a good “conversation piece.”

Do you actually own, or have you seen advertised, some gizmo that has multiple uses, but which seems oddly inappropriate for the combined tasks?

Another such item is a thermos bottle. (How do it know?)

When I graduated from high school (1965), one of my relatives gave me a combination flashlight / handheld vacuum cleaner. IIRC, it wasn’t at all useful in either role.

As far as “poorly designed”: the original ‘Leatherman’.

Great tool, and great idea. It’s just that they made the body/handles of some sort of sheet metal that when you really tried to wrench down hard on a nut to turn it, the metal edges (on the outside of the plier handles) would dig into your hand and cut you something fierce.

Great idea, just poor ergonomics.

And then there was the '50s AeroCar. . .

Man, I thought this was finally going to be the place to rant about those crappy off-brand combo tools that the military has issued me. . . Uhg . .when you are in Iraq and don’t need something to fail . . :smiley:

Tell us more! This may just be that place after all. Entrenching tools always struck me as a total waste of wood and metal, sort of like a fold up backpacking stepladder or a backpacking anvil.

I have a manicure kit. Nail clippers, nail file. Another nail file. Another nail clipper. Cuticle cutter. Ear scoop :eek:

I have the same device set! Little leatherette case. I have often wondered what an archaeologist would make of the ear scoop if he/she found it in a dig near a bunch of musical instruments.

I’ve never been able to use a Swiss army knife without swearing at it. If I use the knife tool, it’s too blunt or too short. The scissors were too unwieldy. The nail file? Forget it! The only thing that seemed like it would work was the corkscrew, yet would it open a wine bottle, seeing that it’s so small?
I’m sure it would be a lifesaver in the wilderness, but to carry one around for everyday use seems a bit pointless to me.

Heh. Spork.

Especially the plastic ones you get at Taco Hell.

The printer/FAX/copier/scanner/julienne fry makers.

This is only semi-related, but the first thing that came to my mind was a commercial for “pops-a-dent,” some kind of tool that is supposed to pop out minor dents in your car.

It had the traditional “BUT WAIT! Order in the next thirty minutes and we’ll throw in a FREE bonus gift!” spiel, except the bonus gift was a… hot glue gun? :confused:

What’s an ear scoop?

You forgot to mention that the knife did not lock in place. I still have the scar on my forefinger where the knife folded up unexpectedly and cut my finger to the bone.

It’s like a scoop, but for your ear.

I never did quite have that problem. But I did break a Leatherman-like tool (which I like and still use it’s replacement) by bending some electrical wire. The darn needlenose head developed an unseen crack in the metal, and after twisting some wire, it simply went click and fell right off:

So there I was, knee deep in blood, guts, and concrete, trying to terminate some stranded 1/0 cable, Charile coming over the wire and. . . PLOOP! Off falls one half of my plier head. :confused:

Then Charlie stopped by and I showed him. He was amazed too!