The way this website works is you type in a URL, click “pornolize”, and you get to see the website with the text full of bad words. You just have to try it to believe it.
Unfortunately, I couldn’t view this message board with it.
You can view this board with it. In fact, I just did. I pornolized just your average pit thread and as you can see it looked, well, about the same … Actually on second look, there’s actually a lower % of cusswords in the pornolized version.
I’ll let you guess which version that’s from
My personal favorite website along these lines is this one:
It will “Mr. T’ify” any page
I just tried on My favorites:
This is great!
I just did The pecking Straight “Give it to me” Dope: Home “Bite Me” Page. I especially liked the links directing us to “Ask ‘Pimp Mastah’ Cecil” and “Buy ‘Pimp Mastah’ Stuff” :D.
I tested the link after previewing, and on that version, the link that normally says “FAQs, etc.” said “Unclefucks, etc.” Unclefucks?!?!?!?
And just why are so many people pornolizing the Pokemon web site, anyway?