Post count parties.

Feynn, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

And I’m gonna turn this over to a woman who said it so much better than I.

Happy 65 posts, Wired! :^)

{{{{{{magdalene}}}}}} I’ll be sure to start you an 800th post party, okay? I promise. Really. No, I will. Honest.

Coldfire, happy 5000!! I actually noticed you were getting close a few days ago (at 4990 something) and was planning on starting you a thread. But these bunch of no-fun hags scared me out of it. So I’ll just congratulate you here and be on my merry way. Congratulations.

I never cared, until I hit 100, and then again when I hit 200 (or was it 300?).

Anyway, I expect to see WiredGuy hits 100 Woo Woo!
any day now.:smiley:

I’ll cheer you, if you’ll promise to cheer the next guy.

What a whiney fuck. As someone stated before: The thread is clearly marked. If you don’t enjoy them, don’t open the damn thread.
Happy 5000th Coldy-Bitch!

Look, no one with half a brain really cares about the actual post count, but many of us here have made friendships on the board and it’s just one more way to fuck around and have a good time with those people, as well as meeting and talking to other people. That’s what MPSIMS is: A social gathering place to do that kind of shit in. Posting to a post-count party doesn’t mean you don’t have a real life or can’t party IRL. It certainly doesn’t for me, although the dopefests I’ve attended have been some of the better parties I’ve attended. Maybe if you’d lighten the fuck up and hang out for a bit, you might be able to experience some of the fun we are having. Or, if that’s not your bag, just don’t read the fuckin’ thread m’kay?

I’m going to be your worst nightmare.
I’ve bookmarked this page, so that when you hit 100, it will be resurected and look like you are pitifully begging for cheap applause! Bwahaaahaa!:smiley:

Demo -

Thank you for saying what I wanted to, but doing a HELL of a lot better job.

That is a seriously fucked up way of looking at post parties. You actually see them as people asserting their superiority over you.

I bet Thanksgiving with you is fun.

“Boy, that pie was good. I ate 4 pieces.”

“What are you trying to say, that because you ate more pie than me, you’re a better person? That you have a bigger penis than me? You know what? FUCK YOU, Uncle Denny.”


Well, personally, my post count is the be-all and end-all of existence. If you have fewer posts than me, then IMHO, you are a scum-sucking lowlife with no right to live. You may spend your time here groveling at my feet if you wish. Otherwise, away with you! If you have more posts than me, well, obviously you’re threatened by my presence and are attempting to outdo me. Every single one of your posts is a direct attack at me; an attempt to keep me down and deny my greatness. And as for those that registered after me yet have more posts? One day I will hunt them down and destroy them. I will then hack into the system and delete every record of their existence. Everything that happens here is personal.


congrats coldfire- Wow, a post-count party in the PIT! Hey, we can say “fuck” and everything. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck… :smiley:

maggie, dear- you are going to get SO many virtual spanking on your 1000th post count party that you, well…

:rolleyes: over this whole thread…

Hey, thanks Falc.
John, you are truly a bearer of the knife. I saw that statement and it left a bitter taste in my mouth, but you were able to really pull the marrow out of it and expose it for what it was.

Daniel, I’ll take my lumps. :slight_smile: