Posting one message per 60 seconds...

I know, I’m very paranoid and suspicious, but I just got an error message telling me that I could only post once every 60 seconds. I get that - but I didn’t post within 60 seconds before that! Could someone besides me be logged in on my account somehow?

Funny, I had that happen to me once today too. I searched my posts to make sure I hadn’t posted something I didn’t know about.

Maybe it is just having hicups today.

Ok, I checked, and no one who wasn’t me posted with my name. Hiccups is as good as any explanation, I guess.

It can also happen if you accidentally double click the submit button.

Dunno what happened for you to get the flood control message, but demand has been quite heavy lately and we just needed a reset, so anything is possible.

But you have nothing to worry about, in any event.

your humble TubaDiva

Thank you, TD.

<< But you have nothing to worry about, in any event. >>

The war in Iraq, the economic stagnation, anthrax and smallpox, whether [NAME DELETED]’s hubby is cheating on her again, how to stop the dog from peeing on the carpet, whether my kid will get a job, the weather tomorrow, my 91-year-old mother, my manic-depressive sister-in-law, nuclear weapons in Korea, the existence of New Jersey… Nothing to worry about? Sigh. If only you had such power, Tuba, my dear.

She does.

She just chooses not to share it with you, Dex.