The Lord blessed me with the following words of love and praise.
I have the blood of Christ in me. I have the power of Jesus Christ. The Lord loves me and protects me. I love the Lord Jesus and serve him forever. In Jesus Christ’s name I declare amen!
Jesus is dead and God never existed. You are a frightened ape raging against the void. Soon you will be gone forever and nobody will know you even existed. All your sins, your good deeds, and your achievements amount to exactly nothing. You, like everyone and everything else are, in a cosmic sense, utterly irrelevant.
Living a true Christian life, following Christ and being a good example of the good that life can bring to the world.
It’s not spamming message boards with Bible verses with the expectation that people will gasp in amazement at the sudden opening of their eyes and convert on the spot.
Same with accosting strangers and asking if they’ve heard of Jesus Christ.
Pallas Athena, Queen of Heaven, considers the above blasphemy. Fortunately for you She doesn’t give a good goddamn about blasphemy; its not like you can actually hurt Her. But She has directed me to suggest to you that a wise god would not design his or her creations to be nothing without him or her, but would instead intend them to be as strong, clever, brave, kind, and independent as their mortal flesh and limited experience makes possible.
Oh, and get a sword. No one will take you seriously as a warrior if you’re wandering about unarmed.
Sharing your unfounded religious beliefs, unsolicited, with anyone and everyone. It usually means an attempt to ‘save’ people who disagree with you, from the punishment you imagine must await people who disagree with you.
I don’t know. I question the sincerity of religious people who care about me and don’t proselytize. Eternal hell fire is an unjust punishment for Hitler, let alone a Atheist grandson, so either they don’t care about me or aren’t really buying it all.
I’m a magic user. A sword would be of relatively little use to me. I can do a lot more damage with a few well-placed gestures and selected syllables. Also turning the thaumic field widdershins and inverting the heptical pandulus. It’s tricky. Takes years to learn.
The OP is clearly a Cleric, not all that different from you.
Well, many religious people don’t believe that non-believers automatically go to Hell. Those who do, I agree, have a moral obligation to do everything in their power to stop me ending up there including, if necessary, burning me at the stake. If there’s one thing this world can do without, it’s more sincerely religious people.
So is your car insurance up to date?
life insurance?
home owners?
do you just drive like you are literally the only one on the road ignoring speed limits, stop signs, and traffic lights?
do you look both ways before you cross the street?
do you just eat whatever food presents itself instead of you know, making sure its not bad?
I realize you are not coming back to read this (unlike Jesus whos powers you claim to have.) but I have to call you on your bullshit.