Predict the sex of my unborn child and you’ll get…well…the satisfaction of knowing your prediction was correct.
Me personally, I think it’s a girl but I’m not sure. We don’t know yet and we won’t know for a while now (I’m only in week 14.5 or so right now). The last time we had an ultrasound the baby was only about <___________>, making it fairly difficult to determine the sex. Well that and the radiologist couldn’t get a picture of the kid cuz he/she/it was leaping around in there like a little frog.
We’ve already got names picked out and if it IS a boy, the name will sort of be mullet-friendly, I think. But I dunno. Is there ANY name (other than Bubba or Billy Ray or any other double first name combo) that’s mullet friendly?
What was the heartrate of the baby at your ultrasound??
I’m pretty lousy at guessing the correct sex of unborn babies so whatever I say it’s going to be… go with the opposite. I’ve been wrong with every prediction I’ve ever made… including my own two kids!!!
It was around 118-120 beats per minute, I think. I was too excited watching the baby jump around in its little sac there to pay much attention to what the radiologist said.
Unless … were you and your husband big babies? Do you have gestational diabetes? In that case your baby might just be a girl that’s gonna be huge when she’s born.
Are you carrying it high or low? Is it round like a basketball? Do your testicles itch? If you’re suffering from the last one, you probably aren’t pregnant.
One that I know is just wishful thinking is the ‘You hang your wedding ring over your belly, it moves in circles for a boy or side to side for a girl’… Something with what you wish/think it might be causes your hand to vibrate subtly in a way that causes it to either move in a circle or a side to side. I learned it years ago as a magic trick to tell whether someone is thinking about a boy or a girl.
Strangely enough I keep thinking girl, everyone else says I’m having a girl, and most of the sites agree I’m going to have a girl… if I have a boy they are going to be proved all wrong lol. (I’m going to be surpriseed actually, but I have names picked out for boy or girl. It was fairly easy I found.)
You mean heart rate can correspond to the sex of the baby? Hmm…
It depends.
Boy babies tend to be bigger than girl babies. The smaller the creature, the faster the heartbeat. If the baby’s heartrate is in the 160s, chances are it’s a girl: OR it could be a small boy. OTOH, if the kid’s rate is in the 120s, you’ve either got a boy or a giant baby girl in there. It’s just a rule of thumb, there are exceptions.
My OB told me to look at what me and DH weighed when we were born and we’d have a good idea of what our kid would weigh. That turned out to be true for us.
I decided to crunch a few numbers. Since I was born on August 30, I was almost certainly conceived in November (month 11) when my mom was 23. The Chinese calculator correctly pegs me as “B[oy]”, while the numbers add up to an even 34, which jibes with the “38 fun ways” page’s assertion that I was destined to be male. Then again, my sister (conceived almost exactly two years after me) apparently should have been a guy, as not only does 25 + 11 = 36, but the relevant chart axes intersect in a blue space. My brothers also “come out even”, but the Chinese chart suggests the younger one was supposed to have been female. My dad’s sex was missed by the “odd-even” method but hit by the Asian algorithm. Mom’s info skews “male” by both methods. So within my immediate family, each approach succeeds in exactly 3 of 6 instances. In other words, the same as via a coin flip or any other approach governed by RANDOM CHANCE! :rolleyes:
For what it’s worth, I’ll venture a guess that MetalMaven is carrying a girl, as is Obsidian Flutterby. Now the only question is WHICH of you will actually have a son…
After reading everyones above posts and spending several minutes pondering the “facts”, I have narrowed it down to two choices:
Its going to be a girl or
its going to be a boy.
Congratulations, and I hope all is well and you have a safe and happy pregnancy.
No matter what the gender of your child is, you will always love your baby.