Problems transferring photos onto iPhoto

I hope there are some Macbook users here. I am not so good with puters. I have accessed my husband’s yahoo photo place and have emailed the pics to myself. I am now trying to import them into iPhoto to make a slideshow. It cannot read the file, so I am stymied.

Can anyone help? It’s a OS X, I use Safari. I know the photos are there, since I can open the file in Finder–I just can’t transfer them. Is this a Yahoo safeguard? His photo place is “private” and I used his user name and password to get the pics. He doesn’t use Macs at all, so…

Thanks in advance.

If you drag the pics out of Safari onto your desktop, and double-click them, do they open in Preview okay? If so then just do it that way, then drop them onto iPhoto. Or, heck, just drag em straight from Safari onto the iPhoto icon in the dock. Either way.

I didn’t try that–I dragged them into Finder/pictures. I will try to just drag them into desktop from Safari. Thanks

OK-found that I had to click on each pic, right click to place in iPhoto each time. Never could figure out how to do batches-but it’s done now, thank og.