Project Runway, 12/12

Well, much as i hate to admit it, Christian deserved the win. His model looked great in that outfit, and i just knew that the judge from the Gap was going to love it. Kevin’s outfit was also excellent. I thought Rami probably deserved to be in the top three.

One thing that really surprised me was the response to Jillian’s red dress. I thought, as the model came down the runway, that it looked poorly fitted, especially from the front. I also expected them to be far more critical of the fact that she usually virtually nothing from the original outfit; i kind of thought that was a central part of the challenge. I guess it didn’t matter too much anyway, as she had immunity from last week.

Stephen’s effort was just fucking hideous, although Michael Kors really needs to come up with a new set of metaphors and similes. He’s getting a bit repetitive.

I was amazed, also, and how easily the judges seemed to dismiss the fact that Elisa’s model really liked the dress that Elisa made. I admit, i wasn’t too much of a fan, but they were all going on about how important it is to please the person you’re designing for, and then they just ignored altogether the woman’s opinion.

Chris didn’t exactly make the most of his opportunity to return to the competition. That was a pretty bad outfit, and i didn’t even agree with the judges about the top; thought it looked just as costumey and bad as the bottom.

I’m glad Chris is back, though, even if his outfit wasn’t brilliant.

It makes up for Jack going–I really liked him. Poor guy…I hope he does all right.

Wow. This was quite a week. Tacky ep title, though.

The big news was the Jack/Chris switch. Poor Jack had MRSA in his face, which made him look all distorted (though I have to say, it’s pretty obvious he’s had work done… I never noticed before, but his face is not quite right). He has to leave, because the treatment for MRSA is pretty intensive. I’m sure he’s bitter as hell. I hope they let him be on Season 5.

Chris March, fan favorite and last week’s auf, is back. I do like his personality, but he always goes costumey/drag queeny, and this week was no exception. The top on that thing was hideous. Just not has hideous as…

…Steven’s. It did look like a French maid’s outfit. I knew that wedding dress was the Kiss of Death as soon as he got picked for it, but he did not handle it right. There were so many things he could have done with it, and he didn’t do any of them. He was a sweetie, but it was a good auf’ing.

In fact, I thought almost all these dresses were fugly. They either made their models look frumpy or like hoochies. PRW designers are notorious for not doing well with the everday woman, and this was no exception. Ricky’s looked like a mall mom from Long Guyland (and will an ep go by without him crying ferfucksake). Jillian totally blew off the directive to use the model’s old outfit, and what the judges were drooling over I do not know-- the dress was way too young for that woman and made her look like she was trying too hard. I was so disappointed in Kit, and she herself admitted it wasn’t fashion forward, that is to say, it was horrible, like something that would have been worn by a high school student in 1987.

I liked Kevin’s outfit, and he did well with the top, but the Duchess was right about the leggings. That was a cop out. Christian’s outfit was indeed the most fierce, in this case. He went for puffy sleeves again, but it worked this time. I just wish he didn’t think so much of himself. When he said, “Don’t they all know I’m better than them?” I’m sure everyone watching went :rolleyes:

ETA: I was so proud of myself because I actually successfully predicted the winner and loser this week in the Tresemme Challenge. Yay!

Can someone report my thread on the same topic that I was composing as this one was being posted? Thanks!

Yes, but who couldn’t be happy with Tim Gunn discussing his bad decisions made at 3 a.m.? :smiley:

I disagree with how bad most of the outfits were. Compared to the baggy sacks most of the women probably wore before, you could tell almost all of them felt really fabulous. Even, dare I say it, fierce. I suspect the women looked a lot better than they would have if the models hadn’t had to work with their old clothes, too, since who knows what ghastly creations they would have come up with in that case!

I adored Steven’s dry commentary, but his auf’ing was well-deserved. He’s not really done much of anything outstanding, and this week’s dress was just hideous. I’ll miss him, and I’ll miss Jack, who’s clearly a talented designer. But that MRSA infection was getting so nasty so fast, I was glad to see him talking on the narrative sections that were obviously filmed post-show and looking much more normal. Except for his nose, which is an unfortunate example of bad plastic surgery, IMO. It’s so good to have the big guy back again, though! He seems like such a sweetie, and clearly his departure really upset a lot of the designers. So I was glad to see him not get immediately re-auf’d. Not that there was much chance of that, with Steven’s schmatte to compete with.

This was my favorite episode thus far. And this season’s designers seem to be a much more likeable bunch than in seasons past – Victorya is a flat-out bitch, and Christian’s ego is bigger than the Empire State Building, but other than those two I don’t find any of the others nearly as annoying as I usually do. Yes, Ricky cries a lot, but it’s gotten to the point where it’s just funny. And wow, could he work those strappy sandals! And Jillian is humorless, but that’s not a crime, just kind of boring.

He probably could do better if he didn’t follow the rules and made up a new outfit from scratch like Jillian and Steven did. I couldn’t believe Jillian got rave reviews for making a new dress and only using the old pants for piping.

Isn’t there a rule about how much of the old clothes you had to use? Could you have made a whole new outfit and used one button of the original shirt? Isn’t there a penalty for not following the spirit of the rules? It certainly is unfair to those who attack the challenge in the spirit it was given.

I felt so bad for poor Jack. What awful timing!

I’m glad they brought Chris back but his outfit sucked. The win should have gone to Kevin rather than Christian the Smug. That yellow outfit was sensational. I agree with the auffing but I’m miss Steve. His understated humor was charming. The best moment of the episode was the remark about Tim Gunn and what you do at 3 a.m.

Christian did deserve it - if Kevin had come up with something other than leggings, it could have been him, but it was just a top. And Rami’s model looked good and like she loved her outfit.

I’m willing to give Jillian kind of a pass because the new dress was fairly reminiscent of the old blouse. You could see how she used it for inspiration, but I do think she should have used it for content. But the fit was awful.

Kit’s was a mess. The bustline looked saggy, and the horizontals emphasized what the client was trying to lose.

Elisa’s model didn’t look like she liked it, but like she knew she should say that she liked it.

I don’t get where Steven’s time went… he should, at least, have had time to sew on the white trim. But he didn’t even seem to try with the wedding dress…if he’d even done something white or with lace or something, I think he’d have been better off.

I agree that Christian’s outfit was the best.

But it was like awarding the diving contest to a man who happened to fall off a cliff and score a clean entry. Christian has specifically mocked commercial dress design from day one, making clear that it is something he is not interested in. He wants to do haute couture. And now, he stumbles onto a design that happens to be sellable, and he quips that maybe he’s cut out for commercial designing after all.

Well, no. He isn’t. If he were to DELIBERATELY try designing a commerical dress, it would in all likelihood turn out to be hideous, just as it has in previous contests. He can’t count on serendipity to do his work for him.

Since there weren’t that many posts in either, I’ve merged the two Project Runway threads.

I apologize, Skip. I should have checked to see if there was another thread. Sorry.

I think we lose something as TV viewers. In a closeup on the Bravo sire you can see that Jillian’s dress (though nor fitted as well as Kevin’s or Rami’s) has some pretty fine detail and I think that might be what the judges responded to. What Kors said about the dress being sexy but not trampy helped it too.

In contrast I thought Christian’s outfit was clearly well executed but didn’t look age apropriate for the wearer. Thought she looked kinda cougar-y (a fierce cougar to be sure).

Steven’s dress did NOT look like a French Maid. Maid yes. Downstairs maid in the White House in 1930. FRENCH Maid suggests sexiness. low cut, form fitting, fun and flirty with ruffles. I don’t know what “every day” look anyone could have made from a bright white poly-satin beaded lace wedding dress but this was not a loss I disagreed with.

Kevin’s top was well made and his model/client certainly looked like she loved wearing it. But the leggings were boring and I didn’t quite see it as “every day”.

If Elisa had made a simple sheath and the red jacket I think she’d have been safe though not in the top 3. the jacket alone was interesting and the irregular hem added height to her model/client and would have looked great without large wads of stretch fabric underneath.

I thought Rami should have been in the top 3.
Victorya’s dress was boring. Sweet P’s was okay I guess. Kit’s was awful.

Even though Chris is someone I’d invite to my parties I wouldn’t wear that outfit unless I was playing Miss Adelaide in a technicolor production of Guys and Dolls.

I do hope that Jack has fully recovered and that he is on the reunion show near the end of the season.

I think the only one I haven’t mentioned is Ricky…It looked like an outfit you could buy in a mall…not too inspired, but at least it looked better constructed than preivous showings from him. I won’t miss his designs (or his steamer trunk full of caps)when he’s gone, though.

I thought Steve’s dress looked more “pilgrim” than maid.

Ha! My thoughts exactly. I commented to my wife during the show “How very puritan.”

Or “headmistress at finishing school”.

I think Steven got a raw deal. I know it was luck of the draw, but what exactly could he have done with yards of beaded poly satin? Especially as day wear? I could see maybe dying it (can they dye?) and remaking some sort of party dress, but for everyday clothes, I can’t imagine what could’ve been done. I think that the models should’ve been told to bring their favorite everyday outfit. Although his dress was seriously fugly, and he didn’t use the wedding dress as inspiration or fabric.


He could have done what Jillian did and not use it at all. :stuck_out_tongue: I think she got away with a little too much on that one, especially being hailed as one of the top three. Regardless, she made it work, when Steven (who did essentially the same thing) floundered with seemingly no ideas and no motivation. He got a raw deal, but he do anything to help himself out of the hole.

When Heidi told the woman she’d be partnered with Elisa, did anyone else hear the Genie from Alladin? (Watch out, she spits!)

At first I was going to throw up my hands at the prospect of another janky challenge - the constant alternating unorthodox models/guest judges with too much power/group challenges were really getting on my nerves. But I suppose restyling real women who’ve lost weight and need a confidence boost is somewhat noble. All the outfits were meh, though.

I thought Jillian’s would be in the bottom three! I thought it was hideously fitted, ugly, and a little boring, in addition to not using the material from the old outfit. Or does that woman just have absolutely no waist whatsoever? I suppose it’s possible, but the clothing should have toned it down, not up. Plus I noticed that she owned the exact same gauzy blue top she ‘designed’ for the bad trends challenge - she’s wearing it in the previous episode, so that also annoyed me greatly. What’s the point of breaking out your past work?
I love me some Elisa, but I feel a little iffy on her styling choices. Those boots were just wrong. I did feel that her outfit looked like one of the worst this time, but the judges dictating what they thought the client’s style should be was annoying.
I don’t see what the big deal was over that strapless yellow top thing. Styling turned that lady into a slightly melted version of one of those ugly housewives from that orange county show, age-inappropriate and all, and why put leggings on weight-conscious people?
I still want Christian to leave, and his every appearance on screen annoys me, and I usually hate his clothes, but this time I grudgingly think he deserved the win. Difficult client and best looking, most modern outfit, if commercial.
Too bad Jack left, the thing he was making seemed like it would be better than Chris’s thing. I don’t really recall the others, so they must not have made much impact.

Maybe Steven could have made a little bolero thing from the wedding dress, or a tea-length skirt chopped into enough panels or whatever to mitigate the feel? That’s all I could picture as not being gross. And definitely incorporated the buttons more visibly.

I agree that the dress was way out in left field in comparison to the other clothes people had and not really fair. But even taking that into account he still blew it. The concept was mad ugly, and extremely poorly made.

He could have used it as actual trim, instead of finding the plainest pieces and gluing them onto the sleeves. Or made a dress with some kind of panels, mostly the black but with pieces of the skirt made from the wedding dress. Or put the lace over the top of the black, so it’s black underneath and you see it through the lace?

Probably his best bet would have been to but new fabric that looked exactly like the polyester lace from the dress and make something out of that. :wink: