Pronunciation Pitting

What the hell is with all this people who have started pronouncing homage “ome-aage”? Stop it.

And why does everyone on this side of the pond think you order a madras by saying “maddress”? It’s fucking “muh-draas”, like the city. Yes, it’s a city. Go look it up.

You obviously meant to start this thread in The Pit. I’ll move it for you.

Cajun Man
for the SDMB

A rant in an entirely opposite direction: Can we stop pretending that people who say “nukular” are stupid? It’s called an accent. Get over it, all ready.

No it isn’t. Reversing the phonetic order of a word is hardly a product of one’s accent. It’s a product of one’s education, sure, but even here in the South most people pronounce the word correctly.

Oviedo, Florida is not the South.

When come back, bring grits.

Miller, if it’s an accent, what kind of accent is it? I’ve heard it mispronounced in a thick New York accent and in a broad Texan drawl (ahem), and I know people born in each of those states who pronounce it correctly. I’ve heard people from Boston say “NU-kyuh-lah”. Surely this is not the same accent as our President, who says “NEW-kyoo-ler.”

It’s not “an accent”. It’s a mispronunciation. And the one guy I can think of who says “nukular” is of industrial-strength stupidity.

Bruce_: There are pockets of the South even in Central Florida. This isn’t really one of them, but it’s pretty close to a number of them.

Anyway, we’re off topic. I’m lowjacking (the opposite of hijack?) this thread.

You’d love it here in “Scran Un”. We talk coalspeak.

I thought it was “MAH dris” myself…

Whatever, yankee. I think you’re angry just because your poll numbers are down. Maybe if you got a more comfortable muh-traas for your bed you wouldn’t be so angry all the time.

Bastard :mad:

So much for your something-about-NASCAR-dads position.

Like the Bushes, I’m a firm believer in the power of nepotism, but I don’t have any kids… I suppose the dog can do it.


Crick! Bleenies! Daresn’t! Are we related? We talk like this in the Lehigh Valley (“the area formerly known as the Slate Belt”) where I grew up, too.

And what’s up with all the mispronouncing Nevada??

It’s not Ne-vah-da…It’s Ne-va-da.

Remember that.

Okay, I was wrong about the accent thing. I still say how someone pronounces “nuclear” is not a valid indicator of intelligence.

I’d pronounce both of those the same way. :confused:

Dude, ranting over how people pronounce “madras?” I had no friggin’ clue what that was. In fact, I looked it up on, and I’m still not really sure.

I might as well rant about how people pronounce the Chinese “q” – one hint, “qiao” is not pronounced “kee-yao.”

Christ, not to mention that the OP started off complaining about “hommage.”

What circles do you fly in, exactly?

Really Not All That Bright, how can you be outraged at these two things simultaneously? You’re pitting some people as pretentious pricks for sticking closely to the original foreign pronunciation (in the case of homage), and some people as ignorant and cultureless for failing to follow the original foreign pronunciation (Madras).

Learn from my Fox Paw:

Omnipotent is not pronounced Omni-po-tant.

You mean it’s not “MAH-dras”?

And what’s wrong with “o-MAAJ” (or “ome-aage” as you put it)?

This is a lame rant.

I agree with the person who said the OP is a stupid dink.