
I watched a show on either The Discovery Channel or The Learning Channel about a month ago. It was a show about prophets, and I think that it was designed to scare the viewer.

The show claimed that a man (who was, I think, a monk)correctly predicted the names of every pope. According to his predictions, we only have one or two remaining.

Did the show completely misrepresent the man’s predictions? If someone really did make a list of all of the future popes, and it proved to be correct, we would hear much more about it. So did he really do it?


The show also talked about the close resemblance of Nostradamus’ predictions of antichrists to the names Napoleon and Hitler. What’s the deal on NostraD? As far as I can tell, ANY prophecy can be applied to events in retrospect.

Not a bad banner to hang from your wall.

Here’s what Cecil had to say on the topic of Nostradamus:

Was Nostradamus really able to predict the future?

I would add that interpreters of Nostradamus’ “prophecies” always seem to be spot on about the rise of Napoleon and Hitler, but ludicrously inaccurate about future events. From my high school days (i.e., the mid to late '80’s) I recall a “prediction” that California was going to fall into the sea sometime during the 1990’s, and of course all prophecies regarding the future behavior of the USSR are now about as relevant as claims that Austria-Hungary will rule the world.

I wouldn’t be too quick to take Austria-Hungary out of the running. Vegas has them at 15:2 odds, which ain’t too shabby.

you are referring to the prophecies of St. Malachi. he created a list of short descriptions of each pope. there are 2 more to go. the list was LOST in the vatican for a century or more then found in the 1900’s. people who know the histories of the popes claime it is quite accurate. you should be able to find it on the internet. i found it b4 but did not record the URL. apparently one of the men who wanted to be pope the last time tried to force the prophecy to be true for himself, put a bunch of sheep on a boat and sailed with them. apparently some people in the vatican take it seriously.

                                              Dal Timgar