Proposed Republican Cabinet

I got a sneak preview of the proposed Republican Cabinet under a future Trump administration…

President: Donald Trump
Vice- President: Donald Trump
Attorney General: Rudy Guilani
Secretary of Defense: Ivanka Trump
Director of National Intelligence: Vacant
Secretary for Capital Punishment: Mike Pence
Secretary for Education: The Bible
Secretary for Mental Health: Lauren Boebart + Marjorie Taylor Greene
Ambassador to Russia: Donald Trump
Ambassador to North Korea: Donald Trump
Ambassadors elsewhere: Vacant
Director of Nepotism: Donald Trump Junior
Secretary for Prisons: Donald Trump
Secretary for Ethics: Donald Trump
Secretary for Voting Districts Gerry Mander

Too many (future) Never-Trump RINOs in there. Can we just have Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, and Donald Trump?

Is “Vacant” Eric Trump’s nickname?

What about spam, spam spam spam spam, Donald Trump, and spam?

We were discussing his cabinet, not his marketing plan!

I had to include Gerry Mander!

Department of the Interior— Suzanne Collins