Every so often, a blinding flash of inspiration hits, and you just have to share the idea with the world. I have recently been the recipient of such.
I had this idea that, I think, could not only make this place a little more interesting but could serve to generate a bit of income around here as well. Now I know this is going to seem a little crazy at first, but do me a favor and think it over just a little before you reject it.
I propose that we set up a system where, for a fee (say a sliding scale. $50 for a clever put-down $100 if it has profanity and $500 if it is cutesy MPSIMS crap), one user could have the status (Charter Member/Guest/Member. That thing) of another edited to say whatever we want for, say, a month. Think of the fun, the hilarity to say nothing of the income generated! We could have servers made this century! Pay the moderators! The joy would go on and on.
Common, think of the fun that could be had. Shit, I would probably shell out a few hundred over a year or so. I say it is a visionary idea, and that you just aren’t thinking it through.
Which user? How would we decide who gets tagged? What’s the mechanism for collecting the fees? Ideas and all are nice, but it’d be nicer still to see a plan proposed along with that idea.
It would work just like paying for our membership. You go to a form, fill in credit card or pay pal information, indicate the user that you are targeting, which level and what you want it to say. Simple!
So, in other words any user could do this to any other user. Get it?
The only snag that I could think of is that in a case of a particularly obnoxious user it could theoretically get to the point where changes have been paid a year or more out. Perhaps in that situation we could have the mods look at the proposed changes and then based on their content wield the ban stick.
I’m in favor of any system where the rich get to mock the poor. Shit, if this was my message board, I’d take it several steps further. $1,000 would give you the power to edit another user’s posts for a year. $5,000 would let you ban a poster of your choosing. Sure, it wouldn’t be as much fun to post there, but I’d be lighting cigars with $100 bills, so what would I care?
I get it now. I misread your OP. I thought you were talking about doing this to a single user from among the entire membership. And that somehow we’d have to decide who gets tagged and with what tag.
This is the portion that confused me:
But I got it now. And I’d like to preemptively withdraw my name from the pool.