We the People of the SDMB would like customizeable titles! {Not doing the contest, maybe a Queue}

Link to request Title change

An ongoing Pit thread brought up the detail that in the current software, titles, such as Charter Member and various other mentions of note are a matter of manual data entry by our chronically overworked mods. [sucking up enabled]

But, as many threads in this forum have pointed out, there are no current or on the horizon plans to have subscription or even donation as an option to show support of the board and earn these or other much desired titles by us, lesser, later posters [more sucking up!].

Now, considering it would be a lot of work for the mods, both in the data entry and the much more onerous evaluation of new title requests for good taste (a truly thankless task considering many posters definitions of humor, snerk) it would be unfair of this humble one (extra snerk) to ask that it be opened up to one and all of us. [ sucking up intensifies!]

So perhaps it would be possible to apply it on a limited basis? It could be as simple as forming an orderly que that the moderators handle on a non-binding timeframe between their other official acts, or could even be made into a monthly contest or game of some sort - perhaps by bringing in new quality posters that stay for at least a few months, by bringing up a new popular link, or any of the other gaming metrics that Discourse seems to love.

All joking aside, it would be nice for us to be able to strut our stuff and show off even more of our twisted… I mean unique natures in titles, and not have the sharp distinction between our beloved seniors and those stuck with the mere “guest” or “member” titles.

Thanks for your time!

If the Mod Staff agrees to some form of this, I would be happy to help do it.

Maybe we can try a few?

@engineer_comp_geek @Aspenglow @raventhief
@Chronos @Loach @Miller @puzzlegal @RickJay

I think that is all of us. I figured no need to bother Ed until we discuss it first.

I very much like the idea of contests with custom titles as prizes.

This has been tried, the outcomes were broadly in line what you might expect with the exercise in untrammeled democracy.

Vote #1 - Chicken of Bristol

It works with little issue other places. That is why I’m figuring a trial basis to start.

I introduced tags slowly and they’re proving pretty useful.
I know Avatars have not brought about the End Times. I think that was well handled by TubaDiva.

Note I do not say we get to set our own titles without supervision - I read our board, and don’t trust us twisty weasels either! Thus my repeated, obsequious efforts to toady. :rofl:

Yes, it would require supervision, but it would be fun, and maybe, just maybe give us some more interest and activity, perhaps driving some of our lurkers to post more if that was a metric for one of the contests.

No one HAS to have a custom title of course. But why not all have some more fun if it can be done with a willing vict… er, volunteer to do the heavy lifting?

I remember that resistance. God bless TubaDiva.

I look forward to reading your book, The Art of the Toady.

I would still like the opportunity to donate to the support of the board. The SDMB has a more continuous and positive effect on my life than any of the other entities I support.

I learned it all from this educational video.

Say more, please? I wasn’t around when this was tried. Was it tried here?

I’m mulling this.

I like the idea, but I’m wondering about the scope of the work on mods (or others?) to keep track of which people are participating in the contests, how many posts they’ve made in a set period of time, etc. Do the posts have to be substantive? Or are we merely encouraging drive-bys?

For those who are interested in doing this, what sort of parameters do you contemplate and how do you envision it being administered? Be specific, please.

There could be other contests too.

0k, 'splain to me what y’all are talking about about. How do titles and contests go together?


Okay, when I first asked about it, I figured there would be a large number of posters who were interested, but the participation in this thread so far is such that it doesn’t seem to be a big ask of the mods. :laughing:

Anyway, in the original post (in the pit) I suggested a couple of options for contests, which were intended to be a limiting factor for the mods work, such as doing it once a month (or whatever appropriate timeframe). And the winner could select a title, either their own creation (vetted by mods) or perhaps a Mod selected one based on the contest.

So, as a concrete example, there could be a contest where whichever OG poster gets the most new members to sign up and, say, post at least 20 times in a month (original text, not quotes of say, 300+ words) and no more than 4 posts a day counted, wins their own chosen (vetted, again!) title or something cool/weird like “Seeker of Acolytes”.

Or something to encourage our lurkers to post. So similar format but for posters who haven’t posted in the last 12 months. Or anything we or the mods could come up with.

But considering we only have about 130 views, and only a few of us have expressed any interest, it might be moot.


It might well be that the wounds are still too raw but @Czarcasm has inside knowledge of the process.
Including an election determining electronic hanging chad.

Short version: Back when Management was so lax they even let me moderate for a bit, I held a “Rename the Moderator” contest…and came within a few votes of becoming “Chicken Of Bristol”. Eventually though “slythe” became “Czarcasm”. The lesson learned here?
If you drink, don’t Mod.
If you Mod, don’t drink.

I have a custom title. I think it’s a holdover from the time of paid Charter Membership.

ETA: under Preferences, there’s a title section. I also have a choice of displaying my Charter Member Title.

Ok, that’s hilarious, and evermore, you shall be Chicken of Bristol to me!

Nuts. I’ve been doing it all wrong.

Oh come now, I could totally see you rock as @czarcasm Poulet de Bristole at the top of each of your posts.

It’s almost always better en francais. Now go away or we shall taunt you a second time!

It was 3/4 of a bottle of Tullamore D.E.W.

It also seems the contest you were talking about isn’t the same sort of thing. What sucks is letting other people vote on a title for someone else.

That said, if someone suggested a title for me that I liked, I might be interested. It can be fun when someone says something clever about you. We used to do that with signatures.

I try to mod in moderation.