PSA for vegetarians regarding Rice Krispies Treats -- you can have them too!

It has come to my attention during a recent thread about said treats that many vegetarians have been needlessly depriving themselves of their Krispie goodness because of an unwillingness to eat gelatin.

I therefore feel it is my duty to announce to one and all that the Treats can be made substituting one jar of Marshmallow Fluff for the marshmallows (using the rest of the recipe as-is) for an identical resulting Treat. Marshmallow Fluff contains no gelatin, but it does contain egg whites, so vegans are still out of luck.

They are also slightly easier to make, as you don’t have to wait, stirring, forever for all those little marshmallow lumps to finish melting. :slight_smile:

I felt this was important to share.

How odd. Fluff vs. chewy lumps, and it still turns out with the same texture?

Fluff Krispie treats don’t have the same consistency as the marshmallow ones. They don’t set up as stiffly. Still tasty, but not the same.

I usually add in a little extra Rice Krispies, then the texture is exactly the same. Otherwise they’re just slightly softer.

Pretty much. It depends also on the temperature at which you store them. If it’s warmer, add a little more cereal when you make them and they’ll be stiffer. If you store them in the fridge, there isn’t usually any noticeable difference. The taste is exactly the same.

Interesting. I haven’t had a Rice Krispie treat since going veg 15+ years ago, and really don’t remember what they tasted like anymore. I’ll have to try making some this weekend. (I wonder if adding a little pectin might help them set, too…)

Can you get away with not using butter if you use Fluff?

Oh, yeah, 'cause that would be way better for you. :slight_smile:

Hey - I’m on Weight Watchers. No food is off limits, but fat costs more in Points than sugar. :stuck_out_tongue:

Never tried. I usually use that Shedd Spread stuff, though.

Unless the Fluff company has greatly expanded their business in the last few years, I think a lot of vegitarians on the west coast are still out of luck. (It’s made in Lynn, MA and the last time I checked only had a limited distribution westward) The last time I chatted with people from CA about it, maybe six years ago, not only had they never heard of it, they were horrified by the idea of Fluff and Fluffernutter even after a few of us tried to explain it doesn’t really have the same texture as marshmallows. Kraft’s version might be out there, but we all know it’s inferior.

According to wiki, though, there is an equivalent for vegans called Ricemellow.

Confirmed, I’ve had it. I am not vegan or veg (any more) but that stuff is still dee-lish!

Wow, I’m a vegetarian who didn’t realize there was gelatin in marshmallows to begin with. I’ve been eating Rice Krispies treats all these years when I shouldn’t have been! Thanks for the education.

Really? I never had a problem getting it when I lived in Arizona, which was my whole life up until about 11 years ago…

Well that sucks. Maybe you can order it online.

Find Fluff near you, or order online:
ETA: It’s gluten-free, and kosher!

According to TWDuke’s links, AZ is one of 20 states outside of New England you can buy it in, which is 5 or 6 more states than I supposed. But that still leaves 24 whole states without Fluff :frowning: Your guess is correct, though: you can order it online.

Man, if they’d only come up with a way to make them sugar-free… Vegetarians have all the luck!

I saw sugar free *Peeps *in the store yesterday. I shudder to think what they are made of. (Seemed to be sucralose, actually. But surely sugar also provides structural support and moisture to Peeps, no?)

Vegan rice krispie treats:

1 c lite corn syrup
1c sugar
1 box rice krispies

Stir syrup and sugar in a pot over low heat until melty and thick, stir in krispies. Pour into pan and let set.

Sometimes I use cocoa krispies and add 1 c of peanut butter to the pot. Yummy!