
Over it the average age thread I noticed there are a lot of us. I thought I’d make us our own thread to discuss the duality of the world, mercurial mood swings, and our general superiority. Does anyone know if Cecil is a Gemini? He seems like a Gemini.

Applying computer technology is simply finding the right wrench to
pound in the correct screw.

I’m a Twin, and quite proud of it. The only thing that bothers me about it is the dual personality thing. No, it doesn’t. Does, too. Shut up! You shut up! Mom always liked you best! Yadda yadda yadda…

Puh-leez! Dual personality, my fat white ass!

I’m a Virgo…the virgin. Pah!

A woman needs four animals in her life: A mink in the closet, a Jaguar in the garage, a tiger in the bedroom, and an ass to pay for it all.
—Zsa Zsa Gabor

Read the sign Sue. Now get the hell out!

::Carrying in the keg of Lagunitas IPA on my shoulder::


You talin’ to me? Or me? :smiley:

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

That was not me who posted the above. That was the other me - the bad speller/typist.

Of course that should be talkin’.

“How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.” - Anne Frank

Dem, dearest twin, you knew I would be here. Gimme a beer.

it really does seem that we have dual personalities, at least from what i noticed from others who are also geminis

Check out my site:
Chief’s Domain

Dual Personalities ?
I aim for at least a dozen on any given day.
Keep 'em guessing is my motto.
And there is an easy explanation for so many Gemini’s. Well you know how the weather starts to get cold in the fall and baseball season is just ending and football really isn’t into full swing just yet. No real sports on TV. What else you going to do ?

I had never put much stock in “the stars,” being a rationalist, secular humanist, don’t trust anything you can’t see, touch, taste, measure, kind of guy…BUT, someone who does “believe” recently pointed out a whole slew of personality traits, pre-occupations, skills, etc. that I possess that are very Gemini-esque. Doesn’t mean that I now check my horoscope religiously, but it does provide some food for thought.

I’m a Sag. You guys are my compliments. W00h00!

I’m a double-Gemini (the sun and moon were both in Gemini when I was born). Does that mean I have a quadruple personality? :smiley:

“I must leave this planet, if only for an hour.” – Antoine de St. Exupéry

Are you a turtle?

Hey, like I tell my friends, ‘you’re never alone with a schitzophrenic!’

Wisdom is the boobie prize,they give you when you’ve been --unwise!

::Filling my Sis boli’s beer hat from the keg::

Who wants to play pictionary???!!!

Sweetness, sweetness I was only joking
when I said I’d like to smash every tooth in your head.

IPA? Yeah, I’m a Gemini, too. Yeah, that’s the ticket. In fact, my whole family are Geminis. Yeah, that’s it. In fact, uh, we invented gemini-ness. Yeah.

(Do I get my beer now, Demo? Please?)

Anger is the insulation to wrap around pain.

::Making Dirty Devil and honorary Gemini 'cause…well, 'cause he’s a good partier!::


OK DD, now show us all your amazing Keg-Stand!

I’m a Gemini AND a twin, and I think that any common personality traits would have more to do with the weather at the time of your birth than the stars, but I think all that stuff is so much bullshit.

As a Gemini, you are blah blah blah.

Yeah… OK buddy…

OH, I’m sorry. I don’t have my glasses on. I thought it said “Genius in here!”

For myself, I find that the general personality description is pretty accurate, and the daily horoscope in the paper is a load of hooey.

Can I have a beer? Anyone bring any Newcastle?

Applying computer technology is simply finding the right wrench to
pound in the correct screw.

Sagitarius married to a Gemini.
Get this 12/12/71 6/6/67! Our first child together was born 9/9/96!
Can I play too since I get to spend the rest of my life with one of your sign?
Also I have a question to throw out there.
How many of you are left handed? I know four south-paw Geminis. They have all been friends for years to boot!
And yes, I am still looking for the mark of the beast in his hairline! :wink:

Mistress Kricket

Are you stuck on stupid?