Pubic Enemy: Tribute band featuring porn stars
Alice in Stains: Tribute band featuring dry cleaners
ABBA O’Reilly: Who tribute band performing and singing in the style of ABBA
The Who, What, When, Where and Why: The Who tribute band made up of beat reporters
Bled Zeppelin: Tribute band made up of hematologists
Queen Day: Drag queens covering Queen songs in the style of Green Day
Drain Drain: Duran Duran cover band featuring plumbers
Dread Zeppelin: Tribute band playing Led Zeppelin songs in reggae style with an Elvis impersonator lead singer. Oh, wait.
100^2 Maniacs - featuring all mathematicians
The almost Police - featuring mall security guards
Jethro Dull - the all accountant cover band
March 7, 2016, 9:38pm
The Who Dey? - A Who cover band made up exclusively of people kicked out of famous bands before they hit big.
The Why - A Bay City Rollers cover band that dresses as KISS
KISS - because seriously…
This should’ve been in Thread Games. :smack:
Chicksie Dicks - Three men in drag performing Country music by Natalie Maines, et al.
Eccentric Right Orchestra - Band made up of evangelical Republicans, playing all the classical themes: “No Abortion,” “Tax Breaks For The Rich,” “A Christian Nation,” “Same Ol’, Same Ol’,” etc…
The Beagles - a group of Beatles impersonators covering Eagles songs. Or maybe the other way around.
March 8, 2016, 7:33pm
Six Pastels - Sex Pistols cover band that dresses as 80’s Don Johnson and perform all songs as muzak/elevator style.
The Django-gos. Swing jazz arrangements of Go-gos songs, plus girl-power-pop mixes of jazz standards.
Deep Urkel - Moody, symphonic rock performed by a team of Jaleel White impersonators.
Hayseed Dixie - a bluegrass band that covers AC/DC… wait, they actually exist.
I didn’t get that play on words until just now. :smack:
Whores With No Name - group of anonymous prostitutes covering America’s greatest hits.
Shouldn’t this be in Thread Games?
Tenacious Free - two fat guys paying tribute to Paul Rodgers, and also to two fat guys
I’ve tried getting it moved. I gave up.
Offspring Offspring: Offspring cover band featuring the kids of the original band
The Steve Miller Orchestra: Steve Miller tribute band done in the style of Glenn Miller
Metallicab for Cutie: Metallica tribute band in the style of Death Cab for Cutie.
Mariah Heep…crazy-ass diva sings classic rock
Vice Presidents of the United States of America…band of forgotten halves of music duos (Garfunkel, Oates (and yes, I know about Garfunkel and Oates ) that sing about peaches and brain tumors
Great White…band of KKK members and neo-Nazis
Casting Crowns…band of dental appliance manufacturers