Purplebear, can I have a hug?

Remember a long time ago (I was Johnnyharvard then) when I met that girl and I was all excited and nervous and all because I wanted to call her and be with her, but I couldn’t do it because I wanted to be nice and slow and not scare her off? And then of course, there was the first kiss that was just so awesome I had to describe it here, and Swiddles took some morbid glee for a while in throwing it back at me.

Well, we’ve been dating, somewhat seriously, for the past 5 months or so and I have been as happy as ever this summer.

She broke up with me last Thursday. I’ve always thought that the “it’s not you, it’s me” excuse was bullshit, but now I think it might just be the truth. I really don’t understand any of this, but I don’t guess she’s ready for the type of relationship that I want and need and I’m not quite comfortable with the concept of packing up and moving to some far off college next year to follow her to grad school. It sucks, but there’s not really anything I can do about it.

It was out of the blue and I’m really down right now. She seems down, too, but she’s not quite ready to talk, either. I guess she’s made up her mind and that’s that. I’m going to be OK, eventually, but right now I guess I need a hug.

Purp will be here shortly. She can smell the need for a hug a mile off!

I’m so sorry to hear that, dear. Why, of course you can have a hug. You can have as many as you need or want! Is there anything else I can do for you? In fact, I’ll probably be going to Houston this weekend, so maybe we can meet, and I’ll give you a really big one IRL.

Now, just come here, and let me hug you tight. There, there, it’ll be alright. <patting you on the back, hugging you tight> Let it all out.

<Aside to VB: of course I can!>

See? Toldja. :slight_smile: