HELLS YES!!! I have no idea why, particularly since I HATE looking at the dirty dishes that I can’t put in the dishwasher when it’s full of clean ones. I solved this by moving in my super tidy BF who unloads the dishwasher automatically. I could marry him just for that.
I don’t have trouble with the dishwasher, because I hate dirty dishes sitting around enough for it to motivate me to empty, so I can put the dirty ones in right away.
As far as the laundry, the vacuum, and other cleaning supplies, I am in the same boat as you.
My husband and I have this deal where he does the laundry (so I don’t have to lug it up & down the stairs), and I fold and put away. I always feel bad, because the laundry always gets all washed and folded, but it tends to sit around without getting put away. He is good-natured about it, but I wish I knew why I can’t just FINISH THE TASK!!!
There is an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where they have a passive-aggressive fight about leaving a suitcase downstairs. Both of them wait for the other to bring it up. I always squirm when I see that episode, because in my house, it might sit there so long, you wouldn’t even notice it anymore!
Do you have no trouble doing dishes, but hate to put them away?
The Kid does the dishes - but I usually have to comment on how we have no silverware before she actually does them.
Do you have no trouble doing laundry, but hate to put the clothes away?
Yup. I’ll fold the clothes, put them in the laundry basket… and there they sit until I wear them. I have 4 laundry baskets - one ends up being my clean clothes holder, one The Kids and the other two are actually used for the laundry process.
Do you have no trouble filling the dishwasher, but hate to empty it?
See #1. There are times where she will unload the clean and I will load the dirty. I have no problems loading dirty dishes.
I think I know why.
For me, the most satisfying part of a cleaning job is the actual “cleaning” part of it.
I like taking all the dirty clothes and turning them into clean ones. I like seeing all the sloppy gluey dishes become sparkling and new again. Once the satisfying part of the job is over, however, the rest of the chore is boring. Seeing the dishes back to their homes in the cupboard is boring, as is sorting through all the tidily folded clean clothes. Now that they’re clean, I can use them even if they’re not put away. All my motivation is gone.
The problem with laundry is lazyness–by the time I sort, wash, and dry several loads of clothing, I’ve run out of enthusiasm for putting them away.
The problem with putting dishes away is figuring out where they go. Plates, bowls, silverware are no problem. Pots and pans, not a major problem–in my kitchen. Plastic stuff–be it CoolWhip Containers, Tupperware, Gladware, or other stuff–hate, hate, hate putting away, because I can never figure out where it goes. And where to put the lid so they can be matched up again later.
Do you have no trouble doing dishes, but hate to put them away? I have a dishwasher.
Do you have no trouble doing laundry, but hate to put the clothes away? I put laundry off til the last minute because it’s such a chore. Putting it away is fine.
Do you have no trouble filling the dishwasher, but hate to empty it? No.
Yes, I have a problem putting stuff away. I didn’t really realize it until this thread, but I just don’t put stuff away like I should. On the other hand, Solfy has made a good observation. Hopefully I can use this to ‘cure’ myself.
I refuse to dry dishes at all, figuring time will take care of that just fine. So there’s perpetually a drainer full of shiny clean dishes just mocking me with their out of placeness.
Same with laundry, I have the kid or the boyfriend collect it and bring it down to me, then I do washing, drying, hanging, sorting, folding and mating and it stays near the machines all washed, dried, hung, sorted and folded until someone needs something or I get sick of it and make the kid or the boyfriend put it away. Solfy has an excellent point.
Cutting the grass is fun. Raking it isn’t. I don’t know if that because raking is “moving it” or if I just like destroying little blades of grass while I imagine them screaming out in terror as I pass over them.
In my old place, I’d pretty much get them put away because I had no counter space and no dishwasher, so I couldn’t use the coffee pot or toaster oven if I had the dishdrainer out.
I’ve been in this place 9 days. I keep thinking about emptying the dishes from the dishwasher…I ran it last night. And as much as I hate to see today’s dishes sitting in the sink, I continue to avoid emptying the dishwasher.
Do you have no trouble doing dishes, but hate to put them away? I use my dishwasher whenever possible, so this rarely comes up
Do you have no trouble doing laundry, but hate to put the clothes away? Oh my yes
Do you have no trouble filling the dishwasher, but hate to empty it? Of course
For me the reason is quite simple. Filling the dishwasher/starting the washing machine is a simple task to be completed right now. But emptying the dishwasher and folding laundry is a task that takes more time that I have to wait several hours to do. So when I start the washing machine/dishwasher I know that I will be interupted again in an hour or two with another task, so either I have to fiddle around and not start anything that will engage me (which I generally hate doing) or I get engaged in something and decide to just not stop when the dishwasher/washing machine does.
You know, air drying is actually a whole lot more hygenic than rubbing them round with a teatowel - however recently washed. So it’s good for you to leave 'em hanging around. No worries!
As to the OP - no, I can’t say I do, to any of the questions. I am an equal-opportunity hater of housework - washing dishes is just as bad as putting them away.
I do know why I hate unloading the dishwasher particularly though … too low down! I mean, I know why dishwashers always do tend to go on the ground not the bench (saves bench space, stops you flooding your cupboards) but I so freaking hate bending down to do stuff. With loading it - well, you have to do that or else you run out of bench space with all the dishes there. Putting away … well, they’re out of sight out of mind, they almost ARE put away already!