Question about how soon to call after interview.

I’m going through the stressful job search. About three weeks ago I had a job interview for a position that I am qualified for and really want. After the interview (which I thought went okay), I asked the interviewer when I should expect to hear something, and he said two weeks. OK, fine. I can wait that long.

The two week mark came last week. Last Wednesday I called just to find out if a decision had been made and he said that I should hear something real soon. I was excited, thinking I would get a call that Friday. But no matter how hard I’ve stared at the phone, it has not come. I’m still waiting but I’m starting to feel like I didn’t get the job :frowning:

My question: Should I call the guy again tomorrow? I don’t want to bother him or seem like a crazy stalker woman, but I would like to know if I should stop praying for this one particular position.

Don’t call. Ever. It’s annoying. If they want you they will call. Instead, send a thank you note (if you live in the US) and wait. Keep looking for other positions.

Don’t call again. If they want you, they’ll let you know. Proceed with life like you didn’t get the position. If can only help and not hurt.

The Thank You note is excellent advice.

I agree with what everyone else has said. You have already called about the job once. Any more than that and you risk looking desparate. Yes, it is very bad form for a company to interview you and then keep you hanging, especially if you did not get the job, but calling them continuously will have an effect on their decision if they haven’t made up their minds yet.

Send a thank you note and continue your job hunting. You will find something eventually.

Good luck.