I stole this idea from the Minneapolis Star-Tribune Message Boards.
It works like this:
On poster starts with an “answer.” The next poster provides a question for the answer, and then provides a new answer.
[Poster 1] A: Stonehenge
[Poster 2] Q: What’s your favorite Spinal tap song?
A. Strawberry jam.
[Poster 3] Q: What does Saddam look like right now.
A: Michael Jackson
(and so on)
Ok, I’ll start with the first answer and hope this thread works…
A: I heard it from the Iraqi Minister of Information.
Q: How do you already know the winner for American Idol?
A: I had to cut it in half.
Q: Why is your penis so small? [sub]Sorry, I HAD to.[/sub]
A: The Three Little Pigs
Q: What was left after the wolf ate half of the Six Little Pigs.
A: Thirty seven cents
Zev Steinhardt
Q: How much does a dead cat cost ?
A: Use lots of water based lubricant.
Q. What’s the worst thing you could do while having sex with a dolphin?
A. Fourteen steps past the alpaca pens.
Q: Where are the alpaca pencils?
A: Seven pounds of flax.
A: What’s that bulge in your pants?
Q: None. He used an X-Ray.
Q: What kind of anal probe did the doctor do on you?
A: A box of firecrackers, six condoms, two empty beer bottles, a grapefruit, and a jar of extra creamy peanut butter.
Q: What did the Janitor find while sweeping up Madonna’s dressing room?
A: Michael Jackson’s face.
Course, this one ain’t bad on its own.
Q: What was Piccasso’s greatest sculpture?
A: The Thief of Bagdad.
Q: Who stole my industrial-sized Bag of Dads?
A: Bullet-proof blenders
Q: What is there just not enough of in this world?
A: Only when it gets excited
Q: Is it dangerous?
A: Ninety five ferrets and a bag of Fritos™.
Q: When does an electron absorb a photon?
A: A pigeon with only one leg.
Q: What is wild cat food?
A: 16 pounds of watermelon seeds
Q: What can you buy with one million Iraqi dinars with Saddams face on them?
A: Shock and awe.
Q: What do you hear when your toddler is playing with the lamp cord?
And, since it was overlooked due to a double post, I say again:
A: Ninety five ferrets and a bag of Fritos™.