Question for JillGat

I’m confused why you moved this thread about copyright protection to IMHO. This is a question that has a factual answer (as opposed to someone’s opinion). I know there are numerous published authors on these boards so I would think (a) that someone in GQ has had experience with this and (b) it should be of general interest because aspiring artist and writers would benifit from this info as well. Frankly, I’m not inerested in someone’s opinion, I would like to hear from someone knows about these things.

Any chance of moving it back where it belongs?

Methinks you’ve got the wrong link there. The thread you link to is from December of 1999.

What does that thread have to do with copywrite?

This is the one

How in Zeus’ butt-hole did THAT happen???
I’ve never even seen that thread! I cut and pasted it right off the address bar. Wierd.
Anyway, sorry.
What Arden Ranger said.

Looks like you accidentally chopped the last character off the URL when you pasted, ending up with threadid=9049 instead of threadid=90492.

I live to serve.

In that case, I’d like a Whopper Value Meal.

My first real pit thread and it’s been hi-jacked.

Me, too - no onions!
And make that a diet coke.

I’d guess that JillGat, being a busy and dynamic individual, skimmed over the post and got the idea that it was asking for advice on how to pitch to comic companies, rather than being about how to protect individual copyright.

Jeez, in this day and age, I really hate the idea that I may have hurt another human being. I can only hope that he is projecting the real rage and frustration he feels for a co-worker or loved one more safely against a lowly, anonymous internet message board moderator. If I can absorb and deflect these emotions in a safe, impersonal way, I will have served my purpose.
ps - cool to see my name in a thread title.

Tho least you coulda said was “Happy Birthday,” WG.

Hurt? Rage? Am I missing something???
Whooshed? I don’t get it…

Now , JillG, you know I would never let a thing like that go by if I had known! Happy Birthday!!!

"Zeus’ butt-hole"

Dear Lord, man, where did you come up with that one? Genius. Now there’s a deep, dark corner of the universe I’d never want to see.

Thanks, but I can’t take credit. I think Nick Cage said something like it in 'The Rock".

I’m just teasing you, warmgun. Please re-post your question in General Questions. Jill

Is this where I post that my ex-boyfriend, a copyright and patent lawyer, wrote a comic book (yes, a comic book), The Trademark & Copyright Book, all about comic copyright and patent law?

I thought so. :smiley:


At the request of the OP, this thread is being closed. Whatever matter remains has been taken to e-mail. Go ye in peace.

(Oh, and I know the comic can be ordered through Westfield Comics online, if you’re interested. Well worth the $2.95 investment.)
