those seen to get closed. have any moderators communicated with Ed, or whomever is running this place these days, our concerns about this issue? If you have, what was the reply? If you have not, why not? I also request Tuba amd Colibri not reply to this. I would like to keep this question somewhat on topic. Thanks.
I’m the moderator in ATMB – if other people answer it’s because they happened to pass by.
But they’re going to tell you the same thing Colibri and myself have said because it’s all we have to share.
You have all the information we have. We have been given no more information about free posting than any of you.
Ed knows what’s going on here on the board. Ed and Creative Loafing run things. We do what they tell us.
If we had anything to share or anything else to say about this, we’d tell you.
Not a moderator, just been around here for a long time.
My understanding is that it is exceedingly rare for moderators (as opposed to board administrators such as Tubadiva) to communicate with Ed Zotti in any way. I’d bet e-mail CCs are the extent of it 999 times out of 1000.
Not that I really have anything to add here, but in my experience the threads about free posting usually get locked because the question gets answered, or at least responded to, and that’s about all there is to say. From there, if the thread continues it usually devolves into a back-and-forth about administration and so forth, and if people want to bash that, we have the Pit.
We’re not keeping anything from you about this.
Not to make too fine a point of it, but no one answered the question.
Have our concerns been re mentioned to the powerful ones?
What was their response?
We get that we know all you know. But what of the two questions that were asked?
Tuba posted that “Ed knows what’s going on”. That’s an answer to me, though admittedly an indirect one.
I don’t expect the mods – or even Tuba – to constantly remind Ed over and over again that the natives are restless: “Yep, they’re still wondering about free posting, Ed. Same as yesterday.”
The response was either silence or “no new info”.
If Ed’s not saying anything, say so. At least let us know that you’ve asked him.
I cannot speak directly for Ed.
I can tell you that he has been alerted to your concerns. More than once.
Can you provide the email addresses of people in the organization who will respond then?
Don’t know which one of those would feel inclined to answer, but all their e-mails are listed.
I think my subscription ends tomorrow and I won’t pay, not because I can’t afford $15, but because I don’t hav a CC I can use online, just a debit card. So paying involves wiring money to paypal and it’s just too much of a hustle. If free posting is taking longer than we thought, I’ll go through it eventually, but now I’m hoping that it’s just summer and vacations delaying it.
FYI you can use your debit card, I always have.
Not if it is a strictly debit card, as opposed to a debit/credit combo card, I believe.
I did not know that. Sorry then, carry on.
What he said. I can use it for everything except online. Yeah, it sucks to have bad credit rating but I’m out of the hole and it’s just a matter of waiting two years without screwing up.
I’ve used a strictly debit card to pay for subscriptions here in the past and it worked fine. Try it and see.
A strictly debit card is one that is only able to function in ATMs and in places that are linked to ATM networks. They require that you provide your PIN to work the card, since they are directly accessing your bank account. Such cards are almost non-existant any more; the vast majority of debit cards issued are of the VISA or MasterCard variety, where although the card is pulling from your checking account, it does so via the VISA or MasterCard networks, thus being processed as if it was a credit card.
I do not think that a card which is not logoed as a VISA or MasterCard will work. I thought I ought to clarify what I meant by “strictly debit card”. :eek:
The only time I’ve seen one recently was when I needed to get a new card issued. The bank gave me a temporary plain debit card so that I could use ATMs while I awaited the arrival of my visa debit card in the mail.
Yes, in the UK they were known as cash cards, since they worked solely in ATMs. They’ve mostly, if not all, been replaced with debit cards now, using Visa, Mastercard, etc as stated above.
Sorry, by that I meant a card that is not a credit card – though logoed like one and issued through a financial institition – but drawing on a cash account. The card has no credit function but has been accepted online and offline without problem and I thought I had used it in the past to cover some subscriptions. Upon reflection I could be mistaken and if so I do apologize for the confusion.