Questions Only thread

Is Spoons thinking that Elendi’s Heir isn’t dead yet?

It’s not like I was away from this thread for that long, was it?

Were you away from the thread?

Has anyone seen my shorts?

Where would any of us have seen your shorts?

How am I supposed to know everything? :man_shrugging:

Do you want a short answer, UYS?

Under where should we file that one?

Can’t you see we’re panting with anticipation for your answer?

Does panting help people cool down?

Trouser lung capacity?

What’s a Trouser lung?

Don’t you know a pun when you see one?

Where’s the pun in “trouser lung capacity?”

“How’s your lung capacity” is what I was going for - but, as ever, to explain a joke is to kill it, right?

How many kinds of humor are there?

It’s gotta be some huge number, don’t you think?

Has anyone ever counted them before?

I haven’t - have you?

What is wrong with approximations?