Quick Launch Button

Does any one know how to replace the desktop icon back into the quick launch area of the taskbar. One of my kids deleted it and I’m having a heck of a time figuring out how to get it back. I know how to put any other program into quick launch. I’m running XP Pro in case that helps any.

I am not familiar with XP, but I believe you can click to select and icon and grad it into your taskbar (into the left section). You can do this with Win98 at least). Then you can delete the desktop icon, since you don’t need it anymore.

The “Show Desktop” icon can be found in the c:\Windows\System folder. Right click on it and select “Send to…” and “Desktop”. You can then drag the shortcut to the taskbar.

Thanks for the quick reply.This was driving me crazy.(little things like this are also why I’m never going to pass my Microsoft certfication exams )