Just came out of my fingertips.
" Isn’t intuition the ability to predict your child’s college bill months in advance? "
C’mon. It’s cold and damp out. Pull up at Ottoman and be punny.
Just came out of my fingertips.
" Isn’t intuition the ability to predict your child’s college bill months in advance? "
C’mon. It’s cold and damp out. Pull up at Ottoman and be punny.
Pulls up Sultan Suleyman, but no puns are coming…
Well, the Otto - man is sure to be by later. He’s often punny.
Meantime, if you have it all together, are you combobuated?
When selecting a drug rehab clinic, pick one with good showers, so you can get clean fast.
So far dopers have been pretty nonres-PUN-sive to this thread.
Well, I haven’t really read anything punny yet.
How bout this?
A ship full of red paint collided with a ship full of blue paint.
As a result of the disaster, both crews were… marooned.
How do you make a Grecian urn?
Give him a job.
The lion might be king of the jungle, but if you air-drop his ass into Antartica he’s just a penguin’s bitch.
Shit, you said make up a pun.
I’ve been on the Atkins diet for years. Everytime I go to get something to eat my wife starts Atkin like I shouldn’t have it.
Bleeding Christ, that’s not even a pun!
What the hell?
::leaves, shaking head::
Euthanasiast and I were going to have a guitar playing competition, best out of 2 songs. I think we should have it in the bed of one of those pickup trucks with the 4 tires in the rear. That way we can call it the “Dually Dual Duel”.
Not now. I have a hole in my sock, darn it.
If you can’t find a nurse while you’re in labor, are you having a midwife crisis?
I’d been drinking at the bar all night - Johnnie Walker black, on the rocks. The bartender, who I’d been flirting with throughout the evening, saw that I was ambling back up to the bar and blew a kiss at me, then began to pour. As I got up there, she winked, handed me the glass and waved me away.
It was neat.
It was going to be an exciting day at Kennedy Space Center. They were putting a shuttle into space. Since I live in the general area I took my dog, Rock, with me in my search for the utimate viewing location. Figuring we’d have to wait a bit I had brought some dog food but had forgotten my sandwich. So I just sat down and watched the “Rock eat lunch”.
'pun what subject?
Inspired by recent world events.
Sign at a Baptist church;
Abandon Pope, All Ye Who Enter Here
My husband and I went to an Indian restaurant and asked for one order of naan to go with our curry. We got an extra one we didn’t ask for, so we were very “naan-plussed.”
Had Mr. De Day seen that one, he’d definitely launch a Rue barb in the general direction of the pun.
**Use a pun, go to jail. It’s the law.
[sub]You have to be old enough to remember the don’t-use-a-gun-whilst-committing-a-crime campaign.[/sub]