quixotic78 will define your own personal chemical!

Step right up ladies and gentlemen!

Have you ever wondered what, if any, chemical defines you as a person? Have you spent nights looking at the ceiling, wondering if you’re sodium chloride, or just plain old hydrogen peroxide?

Your troubles are now over!

Have your own personal chemical defined for you by quixotic78, who is : A Member Of The Scientific Community!

Quix will define you. He will peer deep into your makeup, breaking the bonds of your structure till he finds out what you’re REALLY made of. Maybe you’re a solution. Maybe, you’re an element. Matters not, for Quix knows all!

Quix, Define me!

Manservant Cynical, you are perchloric acid. You react violently (explosively even) with a host of other materials, such as anything organic, alcohols, and even paper. You are strongly acidic, which means that you find use in a number of syntheses.

In short, you are a necessary evil :wink:

Define me, please.

Blind me with your science, quixotic78.

I’m geting in on this one early, go Quix!

I have always wanted my own chemical. What chemical am I?

quix, do me.

Make it happen, Mr. Quix.

(bet I turn out to be PTFE)

I place a bet that Sue Duhnym is MDMA. :smiley:

Yay! I want a chemical of my very own.
I will keep it in a jar on my desk.
I will give it attention.
It will always always always be chipper and dapper and too cool.
I will make funny noises so the chemical will be happy.
I will dance chemical dances.
I will put on the chemical brothers, so the chemical can feel at home.
Chem me up!


Okay, Mr. Chemist Guy. Do your thing. Put your dork skills to use for good, not evil.

Ooooh me too!

Yay! I want a chemical of my very own.
I will keep it in a jar on my desk.
I will give it attention.
It will always always always be chipper and dapper and too cool.
I will make funny noises so the chemical will be happy.
I will dance chemical dances.
I will put on the chemical brothers, so the chemical can feel at home.
Chem me up!


This is just too intriguing to pass up. I had some experience with chemicals in the '70s, (I think) so I’d really like to know what chemical I could be identified with.

Pray tell, Sir Quix.

Oh Mr Chemistry Guy, do tell, what am I?

You know, this is much easier when I actually know the person… ah well.

Sue Duhnym, you are dihydrogen oxide. I think it has a more common name, but I can’t for the life of me remember what it is… :smiley:

Munch, so you wanna be blinded, eh? All right, you’re osmium tetroxide. Chronic exposure to even low levels causes halos to appear in your vision. Enjoy!

SeaDiver, oh you’re an absolutely precious senorita. Platinum is you to a T–it’s precious, and it’s named for the Spanish word plata (silver), so there ya go.

Adam yax, ummm… hell. You’ve got a y and x in your name there, so you can be Yttrium oxide. Yttrium’s pretty cool, right?

porc, do you, you say? I might get in trouble for that. Why don’t I just give you your own chemical? Lessee, when I think of piney, I think of cleavage. Nothing cleaves a double bond like hydrogen adsorbed on a palladium surface. So there you are :slight_smile:

Maxxxie, you’re one X-rated motherfucker. Triple-X, I might even say. I dub thee Xenon Trioxide. That’s got a shitload of X’s in it. You also happen to be a powerful explosive.

Me too!! Please!

What am I? An element? A compound? An unknown?
A solid, liquid gas or other? Or many things at once?
Am I unique like everyone else?

Angels from heaven! Thar’s angels in me eyes!

Whee. I want a chemical of my very own, too, Ser Quixy.

cues up Huey Lewis, “I Want a New Drug”

Well, I’m not Ecstasy but at least life couldn’t exist without me. :slight_smile:

Thanks quix!