Rabid Christians, quit telling me I'm going to Hell!

It’s like, they always say:
Jesus loves you. Everyone else thinks you’re an asshole.

What the fuck is that, Mr. Spelling & Grammar Police?

Tris, thank you…I understand fully now, and I agree.

Um, Shayna? I think there’s another Pit thread better suited for that, but whatever…

Uhm, no, Nocturne, the place for replying to a specific quote by a poster is IN the thread where they made that statement.

But thanks for being the Where-To-Post Police.

Got the Spelling and Grammar Police…the Where to post police…what’s next?

Shayna, Mr. Cynical, I wasn’t attempting to incite your ascerbic faculties with my comment. I don’t mind hijacks at all, really. I’m sorry if it seemed that way.
I personally don’t care where you post, when you post, or how you post.

ped·o·phil·i·a (pd-fl-, pd-)

Sexual attraction felt by an adult toward a child or children.

pedo·phili·ac (-k) adj. and n.

From m-w.com:

Main Entry: pe·do·phil·ia
Pronunciation: "pE-d&-'fi-lE-&
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin
Date: 1906
: sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

  • pe·do·phil·i·ac /-'fi-lE-"ak/ or pe·do·phil·ic /-'fi-lik/

dictionary.com seems to say pedophiliac is a noun. M-W.com disagrees. It would appear that in that instance the proper word is not pedophiliac but pedophile. My apologies to anyone who was confused.

Veb, I think it was right on target. Somebody hanging around these boards uses for a .sig Gandhi’s great line about Christians and how Christ would behave; maybe s/he’ll drop by and post it.

Would you let your brother-in-law know, from me, that he is IMHO a generous man for showing you, and all of us through you, how to react to that sort of witnessing, with far more grace than I for one could muster in his condition.

Well, I hope i’m going to Hell and not to Heaven. Think about it: heaven will be full of the things that Fundamentalists enjoy, so there will be pork rinds and bologna sandwiches on white bread to eat, the heavenly entertainment will be monster truck rallies and pro wrestling, and the angelic choir will be singing Billy Ray Cyrus tunes, and your divine raiment will be a WalMart cotton-poly blend.

Hell, on the other hand will be full of the things fundamentalists hate, so there will plenty of books, rock music, literary discussions, live theatre, full-service pan-ethnic cuisine, and hot muscle men in Speedos.

If there is a Heaven and a Hell, I think a great many self-righteous fundamentalists are going to very surprised and disappointed at which one they end up in.