Rain, rain and more frigging rain

It absolutely bucketted down here for most of the day. Stopped about 5 hours ago.

I wonder if all the rain we’ve had means there’s going to be an effect on the crops this year?

So YOU’RE the one who hogged all the rain this year. We went 6 weeks without a drop. My water bill for one month: $150, and I only watered the garden and trees, not the grass.

We got a great thunderstorm last night. And there was much rejoicing.

Saturday morning…still raining. :frowning:
That is all

And very cold. 12 degrees according to the read-out on my car.

Lucky you don’t live in Texas my friend. Our buckets are way bigger than yours :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s the weather that causes it.

That ain’t cold! That’s my comfortable room temperature, is that. Anything approaching 20 degrees and I’m miserable, get to the 30s and I want to top missen.

Loving this Summer so far.

Oh c’mon. It rains every day in England. For ten minutes. Then it hails. Then it’s beautiful. Then it rain again. And people wonder why Englishmen talk about the weather so much.

But it rarly snows and it hardly ever gets to the 99 temp we’re having here. So stop your bitching.

Not really, we didn’t have any rain for the whole of April and most of May.

I can make it rain wherever I vacation.

I am responsible for the rain/mist in the London area mid-August of last year. Oppressive humidity with overcast skies and occasional showers? That’s me. Sorry.

I went to Phoenix in April 2004 and it poured for two days.

I’m not at fault in this one though. I’m nowhere near London. Yet.


I’m in Hull, where the flooding was especially widespread - I wasn’t personally affected, but I know people who were.

The drainage system in low-lying areas of the city was supplemented a few years ago by high-volume pumps that could drain millions of gallons an hour down into the Humber estuary. The pumps are electrically powered. The substation that powers the pumps was below the flood level and became submerged. The pumps ceased to function. Clever, eh? :smack:

Yes; you’re up high when the floods strike…

Better overcast and rain than that great flaming Yellow Face that makes me burn at the slightest provocation. I had to sell my air-conditioned car in March and wasn’t looking forward to a heatwave.

I’d rather have the rain spread over time rather than being dumped on us in 15-minute bursts though. The groundwater levels in the SE are still fairly dodgy from a string of dry winters, and it needs steady rain to replenish - not these downpours.

Methinks there be summat oop wi’ thee laddie.

Go on, top thissen, ah dares thi’ :smiley:

Meh. Weather here is nice today (as usual). Temperature’s only expected to reach 41[sup]o[/sup]C (106[sup]o[/sup]F)!

Please send rain in a southeasterly direction. Please. Please?

So very…very…hot. need…help…


You probably looked away for a minute.

BBC news article, follow links to pics: BBC NEWS | UK | Flood lessons 'must be learned'

This is seriously getting beyond a joke. Some places had over 5 inches of rain yesterday. In my own back garden I recorded three and a half inches in about 9 hours. Large parts of the village under water, I went out and took some pics yesterday after the sun came out briefly!

http://i8.tinypic.com/6800vtu.jpg - see the volume of water coming off the field…
http://i7.tinypic.com/61lwu3s.jpg - and along the road
http://i11.tinypic.com/4vpzpg2.jpg - fortunately I live quite a way up the hill from here… this tranquil river is actually a road.

And here’s a short video I took while riding my bike down the river…er, road.

From Colophon’s BBC link above:

Ah, got to love the stiff upper lip.

And after a lovely morning, it’s been pissing down again.


There’s something wrong with the video, though: reflecting sparkles as if there was light shining on the water from above. What gives?