However the present continous downpour is beyond a joke. It rained almost every day in June and it hasn’t stopped now we’re into July and I’ m getting fucking sick of it.
Last year about this time we had TBHYSTITS (The Big Hot Yellow Shiney Thing In The Sky) and all was well in the land, people were happy, girls walked around half nekkid and we all sweated cobs whilst consuming vast quantities of falling down water in a vain attempt to keep cool.
Actually, I think it was the conservatives. They sold the sun to a group of private sunshine providers, but they’ve neglected maintenance in favour of shareholder dividends.
It’s really starting to get me down now. AFAIR the Rain Every Single Fucking Day thing started about the same time as I posted in a thread called Misconceptions About Your Country that it doesn’t rain as much as people think in Britain. So it’s basically my fault. Sorry.
This could seriously mess up my boat project in two ways:
-Ideally, I need to work on some of it outdoors - the sanding and painting especially.
-The river is a bit floody now and this might jeopardise plans for a July maiden voyage.
Meh - this is why I would never want to live in England. Coming from Australia, I can’t stand the thought of spending most of the year suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder).
Keep your miserable old blighty - I am happy in my overheated, sunshiney Middle Eastern paradise!!!
It’d better stop raining for the weekend when I’m at a music festival. Camping is bad enough but add rain to the experience and I’ll be sleeping in the car, thank you very much.