Hello all. As stated, Rally Vincent told me to star posting here. We met at another board where I go by the name “User Name,” but that was taken here. Gee, I thought with 15,000+ members, I’d be sure to retain the most unoriginal name in existence. Anyhoo, hello and you may begin the hazing.
get a signature
Welcome RFUN!
Hazing doesn’t begin until your fifth post, sorry.
Oh…and get a sig!
Well, usually that’s how it works but in this case I’ll make an exception.
The word “start” has a “t” on the end.
P.S. Get a sig!
This is true,evilbeth.
Stupid school labs with their stupid school computers with their stupid broken spacebars.
I speel gud, I realy du.
Oh, yeah…I need a sig.
RFUN: get a signature.
Run, Rally’s Friend, RUN while you still can! Don’t post here! It’s EVIL, I say, EVIL!! The land of lost souls! Once you start down the Dope path, forever will it dominate your destiny!!!
You can’t escape once it has you in its clutches! Save your soul now while there’s still time!!! It’s too late for us, save yourself!!!
Welcome, by the way!
Not posting might not be a problem; I keep forgetting the URL to this place. See, I’ve never heard of Straight Dope until tonight. “Why is he here then?” you may be asking. Because Rally’s got me whipped.
I suppose that means you think that Gun Smith Cats is the greatest anime series ever, huh? Poor misguided soul…
Anyway, welcome to the SDMB. May you get out with mind, body, and soul intact.
[sub]Heh, good luck with that.[/sub]
You’v heard the song hotel california? Well…:eek:
Tell Minnie May I said hi!
The manga wasn’t that bad… right, right, and the sig thing.
I have yet to see any Gunsmith Cats.
Good day to you, comrade.
Evilbeth will begin the hazing, once she gets the cat o’nine tails back from the repair shop.
To tell you the truth, there isnt really any hazing. well, maybe at the dopefests, but thats really a personal choice
Aswell as MPSIMS, there is plenty to see and read about here.
See the forum descriptions for what you will find in the forums.
Ignore anyone who tries to mock you because you are a “newbie”.
Good advice, always read between the lines.
***Blockheads !! ***
Skinny white sailor, the chances were slender, the beauties were brief
Shall I mourn your decline with some Thunderbird wine and a black handkerchief?
I miss your sad Virginia whisper, I miss the voice that called my heart
Sweet Rally Vincent
Young and old and gone
Sweet Rally Vincent
Who, who, who slapped John?
White face, black shirt
White socks, black shoes
Black hair, white strat
Bled white, died black
Sweet Rally Vincent…
Greetings RV’s friend.
Now that you’re here, welcome.
I really think you’ll enjoy the Straight Dope.
Check in often, computer lab notwithstanding.
Every day there’s something new.
Only, don’t let the old guys scare you.
Newbies like us have a lot to add to this forum.
Even if it’s just getting the beer.
Try your hand in GQ or GD.
Or just hang out with friends in MPSIMS or IMHO.
Flame wars are reserved for the Pit.
[sub]My advice, don’t get a sig until you win somethin’.[/sub]
Don’t make me hurt you, KKBattousai.
Yeah, 'cuz everyone knows that Anime SUCKS!!
Who’s Rally Vincent?
Anyway, welcome, bienvenue, yada yada yada…
Read the archives.
Learn vb codes here.
oh yeah, and check out the faq.
Nevermind Rally Vincent, Who the hell is this Demo person???
hiya RFUN. welcom to the SDMB!