Random Star Trek Quotes

Only Nixon could go to China.

We were betrayed by a self-seeking adventurer who has led us all to the very brink of disaster.

All this power, surging and throbbing, yet under control. Are you like that, Captain?

Those are dilithium burns?! How are you still alive, man? You should be dead!

Aye, sir.

Scotty. Scotty’s dead. He had too much happiness. But now he’s happier he’s dead, and we’ll miss him. Let us hear it for our poor, dead friend.

cue laughter

Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell bad.

Logic, logic! I’m sick to death of logic. Do you want to know how I feel about your logic?

…I’m sure you wouldn’t get eaten.

You know as well as I do that fear only exists for one purpose… to be conquered.

Appearances only.
They are shadows.
Nothing but ghosts of reality.
They are lies.
Spectres without body.
They are to be ignored.

Give me your profit!

It was raining Starfleet officers.

The rest of you break up. You look like a cadet review.

Look at us! Lower decks, breaching protocol together. Friendship!

That’s a flying rain forest!

Ugh! Delta Shift is the worst. They think they’re so much better than us, just because they’re so much better than us!

We see the smoke, which is part of the air.

LAFORGE: The power needs to be rerouted through this venturi chamber before it can be channelled to the engine’s coils.
REGINOD: It is broken.

I’m a very good tailor.