Rape story selling on ebay [NSFW]


While I don’t believe the whole thing, because no 6 year old goes for a jog in the park, it’s still a huge WTF factor.

The whole idea just rubs me completely the wrong way.

^ I added that in because I have reported them to Ebay, and SafeHarbour and expect that account to be byebye very soon.

While I understand your distaste, it looks to me like nothing more than a fairly involved pitch for a bit of rough erotica. Like it or not, there is a market for such things.

I’d think of it as rough erotica if the protagonist was of age. As it is, it’s rough kiddie porn erotica.

I’m skeeved out by the fact that someone is selling a story about the rape of a six year old, as told by the person who was raped and still suffers. This isn’t the “grooming” and eventual “seduction” technique that many pedophiles employ, it was outright violent “I’m in control” rape. Just what kind of person would buy a story about a child rape? What kind of person would sell such a story for that matter? That’s beyond “a little kink”, beyond “just a fetish”, and straight into…mental illness.

The accompanying picture seems to support the idea that this is being sold as a form of erotica with the girl appearing to have her hands tied behind her back and shirt torn or at least pulled down to look “distressed”.

Doesn’t eBay have a “Report this item to a moderator” function?

Isn’t there a place on the US government site where you can report kiddie porn? Or would e-bay do that? I know if you are signed up with e-bay you can report a bad auction. I’m not though. :frowning:

Read, guys.

Aye, but often more voices raised in a clamor gets things expedited. :wink:

Well, I’m not sure that there’s anything there that the government would be concerned about, Zabali_Clawbane. I mean, yeah, it’s sick, but it’s not illegal. I’d imagine, though, that eBay wouldn’t want that kind of thing being sold on its site, but maybe I’m wrong.

Wha? It’s a story people. It’s words on a page, and no real children of any kind were involved. You insult every child who has been raped on film by comparing their experience to someone’s written fantasy.

But if the story isn’t true, if it’s actually rough erotica, isn’t it insulting to real rape victims for it to be presented this way?

Every rape-centered piece of erotica I’ve ever read has presented it as a “true story”, and I don’t see the difference here. So no, I wasn’t offended. Judging from the other responses here, however, I’m apparently in the minority. I can live with that.

As of quarter past 9:00 Eastern time the item’s still posted. You’ll find it illuminating to click on the link for the seller’s other items.

Just what, exactly, IS a tongue ring? Or shuld I not ask?

No. And you may be in the minority, but you’re not alone, belladonna.

Report kiddie porn to the FBI. Report distasteful auctions to eBay. They have a right not to sell things that are legal to sell. The model looks around 23 to me, so as others have said, this is not kiddie porn. There’s nothing illegal or harmful going on. Still, I’m sure the pitting will continue its avalanche of distaste against badly-spelled erotica. Thank god for the Watchers.

I’m veiwing it as “kiddie porn”, especially since it’s also allegedly written by a 16 year old, and has an erotic picture presumably of said 16 year old. If it is seen as “kiddie porn” than the seller is commiting a crime, and one that people are encouraged to report to the government, especially kiddie porn on the internet.

Considering the number of “luscious lolita” and “saucy schoolgirl” videos, stories, photos, and websites scattered across the world, I have a very hard time believing that this is true.

Okay; just asking.

Tongue ring. You’ve probably seen them, they are pretty common now. One even appears in this album coverart.

FTR, the picture looks like the 16 year olds around here look to me. Also, even if it’s “made up” it’s still pandering to people who are fantasizing that it’s real, that is what skeeves me out, the target consumer of this more than anything. I’m not “offended” so much as creeped out. I’d not be so much so, if the person who was raped in the “true story” wasn’t six years old, but instead 18 or older.

Besides, the US Supreme Court struck down the “appearing or claiming to be a minor” provisions of the Internet CP laws a couple of years back: if there’s no real child, there is no CP (though the product can still cross the line into “obscene”, or at the very least in violation of the TOS).

Report it to the FBI? Are you people serious? :rolleyes: Free speech means people are going to say and write and sell things you find distasteful. Get over it.