Kelly is my 16-year-old cousin who has a traumatic past. At age 6, she was grabbed by a masked man while she was jogging in a park. The man threatened to kill her with a knife and brutally raped her. She screamed but nobody seemed to have heard her.
Since that time, Kellyh has developed nightmares about being raped or killed. In most days, she has suffered from flashbacks of her being attacked. Each time she watches TV shows that remind her of the incident, she becomes frightened, and her mind places her back into this scenario, causing her to throw tantrums and scream bloody murder. At times, she develops anxiety attacks, palpitations, sweating, and insomnia. Since the attack, Kellyh can hardly trust people. As a result, her relationships have profoundly suffered. More recently, she’s been depressed and feeling hopeless. She hasn’t been sleeping or eating well. Her inattention has negatively impacted her work.
Kelly is most likely suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD is a psychiatric disorder characterized by avoidance, hypervigilance, emotional difficulties, and recall behavior such as flashbacks and nightmares after a traumatic event such as rape, war, vehicular accident, or natural disasters. Recent researches have shown that after a trauma, biochemical changes develop in the brain that can result in psychological signs as shown above. If untreated, some individuals develop emotional difficulties such as depression associated with inability to concentrate, sleep, and eat. Occasionally, they also become hopeless to the point that they want to die.
Kelly has been undergoing therapy for PTSD since age 7, and she is finally on the last stages. Her therapist has developed a plan on how to fully cure Kelly, or so we hope, and inevitably, we need your help. We do not have enough money for all of the bills, every family member is pitching in all possible funds. Currently, we are several thousand short of full payment.
How can you help?
“By writing out her story, Kelly is releasing her nightmares. Also, sharing the story aloud can help Kelly by strengthening her emotional and mental stability; however, the audience must not include family members, because this memory needs to be wiped from the family as much as possible. (Dr. Winslow, Kelly’s Therapist).” We’ve tried bringing friends into the household, but Kelly refuses to read the story aloud. This is where you come into play. Purchasing her story will prove to Kelly that honest people are still alive, and people still care about her life. You will be the first to read her story, but certainly not the last. We are NOT trying to profit from her tradgey, all funds won will go twards helping her fully recover and towards all the hospital bills. Upon winning, her story will be emailed to you, and we will followup with her condition and progress overtime.
Thank you for your support!