Rating pit posts

I disagree with all 3 of these sentences.


I believe we are required by Pit decorum to go off on a tangent or Hi-jack at this point for the next three pages about what an ass you are for hitting a woman, and the quasi-defenders that say no, you are an ass for hitting anyone, it is sexist to suggest it is only bad to hit a woman and the few defenders that will say she might have had it coming and we cannot make a decision based on one short post, I thought maybe I could save sometime making one large run-on sentence to summarize all the normal vitriol that is required.

Jim {Damn, I forgot to call you a fuckwit}

What’s a pobe?

I’m not sure, but can I be the first to suggest it’s the name for long straight pubes?

Pobe is a fscking derogatory term.

Thanks. I’ll add that to my list of words and phrases I repeat in my head during pointless meetings at the office.

I also like fscking… it’s like saying this fucking sucks with one word. Very efficient! Hard to pronounce though.

Some jokes are funny the first few times they are told. Few, if any, are funny the 10,000th time. Same goes with clever remarks. The cleverness wears thin with age. Everything, however, sounds better with more cowbell!

The origins of fscking come back to computer science. When a Linux box starts having trouble with a hard drive, or more accurately a filesystem on the drive, one of the ways to check it is with a program called(in the creative tradition of UNIX) fsck - File System ChecK. So when people wanted to say “fuck” but didn’t want to offend some people with bad language they would say fsck. It became popular when someone would post “help, I think I have a bad filesystem” to say “fsck it!” As with many things geeky, this caught on for no discernable reason.


“Pobe”, “fsck” and “more cowbell”. This thread’s entertaining and fscking educational! :smiley:

Dang it! Beaten to the punch by four hours.

I was on time once . . . in 1960 . . . for 20 minutes.

It’s like a henway, but smaller.

I agree with the OP. Pit ratings aren’t funny. 1920’s Death Ray isn’t funny. Hi Opal isn’t funny. Marianas Trench joke isn’t funny. Welcoming our new overlords isn’t funny. Og isn’t funny etc. etc.

They may have been funny three years ago. They’re not now.

What’s a henway?

About four or five pounds.

(I know, I just couldn’t help but ask.)

I appreciate your straight man set-up.

I learned Og elsewhere and use it outta respect so as not to single out any one deity. How come that’s a bad thing to do? I sure as hell never thought it was funny in the first place. Was it supposed to be? And for Og’s sake, why??

Oh, and in the Dope tradition of overstaying a meme (was that LHoD and Lissener that got on about that?), I’ll contribute by rating myself: For apparently being a dumbass on this particular term, I give it a 1/10. Poor form indeed.


I’m a martyr.