I’m looking for a recipe for fake (as in no alcohol) White Russians. Apparently you can’t hand out free alcohol to kids these days. Since a White Russian is just vodka and kahlua and milk, I don’t know if this can be done. Is there something out there that tastes a lot like kahlua?
Coffee syrup?
I wouldn’t know myself, as I drink neither Kahlua or coffee-milk.
That might work. We’re going to need to do some taste testing.
Some really strong coffee might do the trick.
I think you’ll want a little dollop of chocolate syrup in there too, but not much.
Strong coffee, simple syrup, and a touch of vanilla should do the trick. Regular kahlua doesn’t have chocolate.
I always thought it had a slight chocolate taste though there is no chocolate in it.
Yet again, another thread with alluring title and disapointing content.
There are a lot of kahlua-flavored syrups out there. I used to mix them a great deal back in my coffee shop days. They ought to work.
I don’t have an answer for you, Marley, but I’m feeling kind of nosy today…
Why do you want to hand out White Russians to kids?
I always made mine with half and half. I don’t think I’ve ever made one with milk. I guess you could substitute whole milk. I’m also thinking of some kind of combination of espresso, a dab of chocolate syrup and something like a dash of vanilla to simulate the Kahlua.
Gah, beaten to the punch again, I see.
You can get flavor extracts of your favorite alcoholic beverages.
We’re having a memorial event for my brother and it’s going to be sort of Big Lebowski-themed. It’s going to be at a bowling alley, and we’re thinking about fake White Russians and maybe pigs in blankets that are cut to resemble toes.
Ah, crap.
I don’t know how, but I’d missed the news. Just now caught up with your other thread. I’m so very sorry.
::Raises White Russian::
To Tyler.
Coffee and/or coffee syrup + milk?
Isn’t that just a frappacino?
Served in the right glass, it could substitute admirably.
I was going to say “chocolate milk,” but obviously there are better suggestions.
I’ve seen Kahlua-flavored Italian syrup at Cost Plus World Market. Adding that to milk or half-and-half sounds like a plan.
Really strong coffee, as has been suggested here, would need to be sweetened. A lot.
Thank you.
You know, I think I’d assumed there was chocolate in kahlua because of the color. Shows what I know. It sounds like the coffee component of kahlua is Arabica. I don’t know how far we’re really going to go for accuracy but I’ll pass the word around.
I’ve ordered sugar-free syrups from this company before, and they’ve been pretty good. Never tried the regular versions, but it’s worth a shot. I’d go w/ the syrup and milk, no chocolate.
The closest thing I can think of is coffee milk, the official state drink of Rhode Island (seriously!). It’s very popular there, and is perfectly appropriate for kids.