Recipe request: Sugar Free Chocolate Covered Fruit

My friend can’t eat sugar and I want to surprise her with a plate of Sugar Free chocolate covered fruits. I was thinking of Apple Slices, Orange Pieces, and strawberries.

I need to know where to buy sugar free chocolate online so I can make this and how to melt the chocolate etc.

Google diabetic chocolate. I’m really surprised it’s not as easy to get there as it is here. Pretty much every supermarket now sells some at least, every chemist has some too. If you want to order it online anyway, you can get some pretty decent diabetic chocolate delivered from Thornton’s in the UK. Very nice!

You don’t mention why she doesn’t eat sugar, but if she’s diabetic, then you probably want to find out if she eats fruit. Fruit is notorious for causing bad sugar spikes.

Also, the sugar alcohols in lots of “sugar free” candy & chocolate spike people as well. For me, I haven’t yet found a sugar alcohol that doesn’t affect my blood sugars adversely. So I just eat real sugar when I want it and cover it with insulin.

She doesn’t eat sugar due to it not getting along with her well after an operation. She has no problems with fruit or sugar alcohols.

I really like these. I have never used them to dip, but they melt good for other baking. I totally trust Netrition too. They have a flat shipping rate and the orders always come really fast, usually within two or three days.

Thanks for that link. I’ll be buying 2 bags soon. Do I need a double boiler to melt it or can I melt it in the microwave?

Do NOT get the Dixie Diner Chocolate Chunkies by mistake while you’re at Netrition. They’re vile.