Ever since the capability was added to iTunes, I’m addicted to podcasting. I listen to them so often that when I’m in the car listening to Air America on the way home, I’m flummoxed by the fact I can’t pause the show when I need to. I love them so much.
So, what are some of the best? Hit me with any genre, and I’ll check 'em out. What I’d really like to find is a right-wing radio show that’s both a) reasonable and b) funny on purpose. I know it’s out there, but I haven’t found it yet.
Anyway here are a couple of my favorites:
Stephanie Miller - PinkMarabou tuned me in to her last week and I’m hooked! It’s a liberal news/comedy show that’s very fast moving and funny. They spend a lot of time listening to what the right wing personalities are saying and having a good laugh, arguing with people that hate them, and doing various little comedy sketches. Their voice guy Jim’s G.W. impression is priceless (I like toast). Clips and podcasts are available in iTuens and on her site here.
Morning Sedition - More liberal chit chat. Also done from a comedy angle, so it’s usually pretty good stuff. Podcasts available in iTunes and here.
Al Franken - Detecting a theme yet? More liberal fun. Oddly, not as funny as the above, but still good. If you heard his smackdown of Bernie Goldberg last week you know he’s worth listening to if you’re a lefty. Podcasts available here. He’s in iTunes too, but I don’t think they have the entire shows there. Air America Place (linked) does though.
NPR’s On The Media - A very professionally done examination of what’s going on in the media that week. Seems remarkable well balanced to me, but I’m a liberal, so take that for what it’s worth. Podcasts in iTunes and here
So what else is out there?